Sunday, March 15, 2020

Sunday afternoon

Ron was asleep when I laid down for a nap but of course he woke up.  I hadn't fallen asleep yet.  He asked where I was he kept making noise knowing I was trying to sleep.

He asked me if I "gave him the Coke [mumble] sandwich"  I said I always give the sandwich delivery man a soda and he left me alone.  Then he asked me if it was OK for the kids to play in the yard.  I said we didn't have kids so it didn't matter if it was safe or not.  He got very upset and said we were caring for "the children" and he wanted to know if it was safe.  I said it didn't matter, again, because we don't have children.  He said, almost in tears, we had to feed them.  I said we didn't have any children.

#6 was totally quiet no kids so that wasn't confusing him.  He screamed at me and I shouted at him to get his shit together.  He finally began to "use words" my phrase, and said we were caring for WRONG.  But the kids were in our care WRONG.  THERE ARE NO KIDS.  None?  CORRECT THERE ARE NO CHILDREN AND NEVER HAVE BEEN.  He had it in his head someone had given us 2 kids to care for, and we had to give them a coke and a sandwich every day.  WRONG.  That took him aback.

I told him, not very nicely, I could only take care of him if he stayed in reality, if he was raving and irrational I wouldn't be able to take care of him anymore.  I wanted to add all the old folks homes are going to be deathtraps the next little while and he needs to stay out of them.  He got very upset at that and kept telling me loved me.

Like, I'm a deranged, crippled, irrational, abusive, alcoholic but you will kill yourself tending because I said "I love you".  My feelings are going to make (Heather) stay through abuse.  I can find another man to "love" me if it comes to that.  I am sure not getting what the Bible says a man should give his wife.  I am getting emotional manipulation by a man who is very scared.  I don't kid myself there are real feelings there... it has all been about me serving one need or another for him since the start.  A guy who truly cherished and respected me would not have done many of the things he did.

Where would I start on that?  Most recently, offering to pimp me out to the plumber even though my Dad was footing the bill.

So we ended that..Ron was trying to get me to talk to him again using some manipulation again, making this laugh "to himself" and I'm supposed to ask what, and he says "You told me to leave you alone, but I will tell you anyway" and it's a "cut" on me, so funny, ha ha.

I finally got up it was CLEAR I was not going to get any sleep and I was still wound up from the whole delusional shouting about children thing.  I went in the other room.  He said he wanted to hear a song, I said I would play it when I finished what I was doing.  I found it, he came up front.

I started playing it and he was angry about it because it has a very soft volume even with me turning it up all the way.  My sound card is fried so I just have a little built in speaker on my CPU.  He got very angry and kept screaming at me.  I finally told him he had to yell "3 more times" before the volume would go up.  I walked off then he screamed at me to turn it off.

I think I was supposed to be struck by it (it was a country music breakup song) and my heart magically soften toward him, but it was just pissing us both off.  He shouted at me to turn it off, it was "ruined".  I turned if off then he started screaming at me to turn it on.

I said WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU?  NO I WILL NOT.  He finally managed to get out he wanted it "loud like it used to be".  I told him it was BROKEN.  He got that and went back to his room.  Agh.


Anonymous said...

You both neef serious psychological help.

Heather Knits said...

It wasn't pretty. He gets like this when we are cooped up I may give him one of my antipsychotics.

Anonymous said...

I am in a similar situation. I will pray for you, you can pray for me, it will all work out in the end.

Anonymous said...

You most definitely better not give him your prescription medications. SMH X 1000000

Anonymous said...

Now is the time to put him in a nursing home since the need to have a 3 day hospital stay is being waived due to coronavirus. Then you can go to a group home.

Anonymous said...

He doesn't understand anymore. You are assuming he is manipulating you, and he is just completely unaware of what is going on. Your responses to him in this terrible story are unacceptable and abusive.

Do not give him any of your medication.

Heather Knits said...

I said I was tempted, I doubt I could get him to take it anyway.

Thank you, Joanna. I think only someone who has lived it really gets it.

Why would I need a group home? I run a business, pay the bills, etc. I supervised the home repairs and stayed in budget. I have problems but we all do.

And I am mean because I said no we don't have kids? We don't, praise God. I would hate to put a child through this.

I am absolutely keeping Ron out of the medical system while the virus is raging. It would be a death sentence. He will go when God takes him but I'm not going to shove him in a furnace, either (Bible reference).

Anonymous said...

I didn't say you were mean. I said your responses to your very confused husband were inappropriate and abusive. Because they were.

My mother had brain cancer. We didn't take her confused and often angry interactions personally. We got her help and we learned about what was happening to her. It was frustrating, but we never yelled at her or contemplated giving her someone else's medication. We used the resources available to us and got a proper diagnosis and in home care. You should do so as well. (I am not suggesting that Ron has brain cancer, but he clearly has some undiagnosed and untreated issues).

You can't handle him. You need help. He needs help.

Anonymous said...

End Stage Alcoholism
Lastly, the final stage, known as the end-stage of alcohol abuse is the point where the alcoholic is experiencing very serious health and mental issues, and could possibly be in danger of death.

Heather Knits said...

I know he has a problem. Everyone knows, except him, and if he was honest he would probably say he plans on drinking himself to death.

I will go back to what I have said many times before: He has to want help. He does not. He thinks he is "fine" and is having "one sip, now and then". He is miserable in his body and wants "out" this is how he has chosen.

It is interesting you don't see all the judging of those who love a smoker. Even though smoking is just as bad physically.

You can't save a drowning man who refuses to grab the rope. Yelling at the lifeguard and laying guilt trips accomplishes nothing.

Anonymous said...

You are not the lifeguard. Far from it