Thursday, March 5, 2020

I woke up with a nasty headache

Found out the virus was in the region, so I made a delivery order, still had availability so I got what I could.  We will see what actually gets to my house. 

I did order some toilet paper, even though I had some. 

I had a nasty headache and had to take something for it, did that, had a hemp smoke.  I beat it back well enough to go to work. 

I stocked while Ron sorted change using the machine.  We put all the quarters in the change machine. 

We took the money out of the machines and went to the bank.  We turned the one dollar bills into $20's, which make for easier spending. 

We came home, headache had come back.  My delivery comes in about an hour, something told me I should do a 4 PM delivery but I wanted some wiggle room in case we got held up. 

Ron is in bed listening to news radio.  I am listening to music and working online.  I did the report and the payment last night so I don't have to worry about that for a month. 

The cats are all good.  Biscuit got very excited by my glass of milk, lately he has been a dairy boy.  I only let him have a tiny amount.  I have a decent amount of cat food, weeks' worth, but I was worried about Jack's dog.  He told me what she eats so I will look for it at Sam's tomorrow.  A lot of people run a just in time inventory for their pets and that can be risky.  That's one reason I had a 20 pound bag of Biscuit's food when this hit, I never want to run low. 

I can get Iams pretty much anywhere, even Walmart.  I can only get Biscuit's food online.  There are a lot of ways the supply chain could break on that. 

All the bills are paid up but I need to see about the electric bill.  Ideally I would like to pay 2 months in advance so we don't have to go next month.  But we will see what sales allow. 

I will also see if I can find some food for Jack at Sam's.  I ashamed to admit I only thought about it this afternoon.  Well, I'll find something or I won't.  I do hope I can find him some dog food. 

Once, many years ago, I did not have enough money for cat food and that was a horrible day.  I ended up giving them people food and they were OK with that but I still felt terrible.  I started a new policy after that, buying the cat food first and then using what was left in the budget to buy our food.  Now, before you flame me I was 18, and had brain damage. 

I noticed a lot of the money was utterly disgusting when I counted it today, some of it had smears on it, I don't know what, but I washed my hands after dealing with it, AND used sanitizer.  They still had sanitizer at work, but the sink at work has a very weak trickle coming from the faucet, not good for washing hands. 

I also noticed someone went into my area, into my cleaning supplies, took out my bottle of rubbing alcohol, and left it sitting out on a rack.  I KNOW I didn't leave things that way.  They (other vendor's people) also used my cart again and failed to put it back properly.  Frustrating, but I am more pissed about the rubbing alcohol, ESPECIALLY as there is a stocked sanitizer dispenser literally on the other side of the wall, right out the door. 

I put the rubbing alcohol away where someone would have to look, to find it.  I don't know why they used it when they have the sanitizer right outside the door but who knows, people aren't operating from a place of logic.  It does confirm my belief NOTHING IN THE STOCKROOM IS REALLY MINE it is everyone else's to help themselves to at will.  On that note, I took home all my personal protein bars.  No sense leaving them there to be raided. 

Several people wanted change today and ALL of them were incredibly rude about it.  I think only one actually bought something with the money I gave him.  The last one I said "Sorry I have already counted the money for the bank".  He got very nasty.  "The money is disgusting and you don't want to touch it anyway" I responded "I wanted to boil my hands after I counted it".  THAT shut him up. 

So tomorrow we go to Sam's and get what supplies are available.  Go to work.  Put them up (I already stocked today).  Go home for the weekend. 

As of now para transit is still running.  One driver was very freaked out and one was not.  I don't imagine the service will run much longer if we continue to see cases developing in Houston.  Drivers will start calling in or they will shut the service down.   We will work as long as we can, that's all we can do. 

I just hope I can still get my floors done and my stuff back this month. 


Anonymous said...

You said they have a change machine at work. Let them use that. Right now your policy should be no change at all for anyone. Especially since they don't use the money to buy any vending products.

Heather Knits said...

Oh, I can see why they don't want a pocket full of quarters, and half the clothes don't even have pockets anymore. As a rule I do not mind making change if there is money in the machines.

What I DO mind is when they complain about the money given, treat me like dung, or take the money out of the area and go spend it with the other vendor.

One guy had a tantrum because a corner of one dollar was folded, when I just looked at him he said "The machine won't take it" and I told him it came OUT of a machine... I finally exchanged it but I asked if he was like this at a bank. He wouldn't answer.

Anonymous said...

Who is Jack?

Heather Knits said...

Jack, not his real name, is a paratransit driver we pay to do supply runs once a week. He has also helped with other things and we consider him a good friend.

He was delighted to get the dog food.

Anonymous said...

That's nice of you

Heather Knits said...

I used to cry over homeless people in the city and on the subway. I had to toughen up some but not all the way. :)