Thursday, March 26, 2020


I haven't heard any dripping today, but we haven't run the A/C either.  I just pray it is all OK now. 

I have really been through the wringer that last 6 months, I was thinking about that. 

  • Building collapse at work and subsequent terrible sales
  • Root canal
  • Broken pipe and house flood
  • Personal property taken away and put in storage.
  • Another broken pipe
  • Re pipe on house. 
  • Failure of re pipe connector = 3rd leak (I think Biscuit was at fault)
  • Virus hits, can't get inventory = terrible sales
  • Fourth leak, more repairs
That is an awful lot especially if you add in Ron's deteriorating behavior.  

Some people are just worried about the virus...  I have had a pretty heavy backpack.  Happily my mood has been acceptable in my eyes.  

I did wake up in the middle of the night, Ron heard me (does he lie in bed for hours listening?) and asked for something to eat which ended up to be chicken nuggets.  He was very happy.  I went back to bed and slept until 8.  

I did some cleaning: 
  • Got rid of the larger folding cot
  • Put smaller cot in garage
  • Cleaned Ron's carpet, which looks significantly better.  
  • Will do some laundry pretty soon.  
The cats got in my lap, 2 of them, and Baby Girl is curled up on the couch inches from my leg right now.  Happily about the worst part of my day was finding mold on a slice of cheese I had planned to eat.  

I had a good shower, had a hemp smoke (not in that order).  Thinking about alcohol in my life.  I had a 50 ml bottle (one shot) last night, it was pretty good.  How often do I want to do this?  How will I do portion control because I'm not going to do the little bottles unless I am trying something new?  I haven't figured all that out.  

I made the trips for tomorrow and Ron modified them, which is fine.  It's going to be a short day tomorrow but sales don't merit a long one.  You cannot stock a machine that's full.   

And, I think I said it here, in Hard Times the vending machine budget is the first to go.  And the dryer's done, mostly pillowcases in that load.  

Only one of which matches the bedroom but I can live with that for a while.  Cleo is running around like a crazy animal not sure what that is about.  Torbie got in my lap earlier, we had a good time, she left.  She got back later, and left again.  Biscuit got in my lap and we had a good session.  Then he got on my desk and thew things on the floor, walked all over the keyboard.  I went to the bathroom and he left that to follow me.  

They are getting spoiled, having us around all the time.  But they're good cats and I love them.  I need to go to bed pretty soon.  Ron needs to eat again when he wakes up, I will try a protein shake on him.  But he is resting comfortably now so I'm not inclined to wake him.  

That's it for now.  


Anonymous said...

“ Thinking about alcohol in my life. I had a 50 ml bottle (one shot) last night, it was pretty good. How often do I want to do this? How will I do portion control because I'm not going to do the little bottles unless I am trying something new? I haven't figured all that out“.

Stop there, and don’t “figure all that out”. Are you out of your mind to be thinking about and PLANNING out drinking? You take major medications. You do not need to add alcohol. Do you want liver damage? Because that’s how you get liver damage. I get things are tough - and you aren’t the only one, but of all people you should know alcohol doesn’t solve problems.

Don’t even try to make excuses for why it’s ok. It’s not and you know it.

Anonymous said...

So drinking now and Spotty is missing. Not good. Not good at all.

Heather Knits said...

Spotty just took a dump in the litter box, he is alive and well. The weather is really nice, it's spring, wiggly things outside so he was likely after that yesterday.

About the alcohol, I had gotten a little gin bottle because I was curious, would I like it? I did, but it gave me a horrible headache which persists even now. So not likely I will become a drunk any time soon. I do need to get some portion cups, though.

Anonymous said...

You do not need portion cups. You do not need to try it because you’re curious. Alcohol doesn’t go with your meds. STOP

Anonymous said...

Please do not give in to alcohol look what it did to your mom and husband. Please reconsider.

Anonymous said...

you see what alcohol has done to Ron. Who will take care of you? Planning to buy portion control cups sounds like you've decided to drink. How can you be so against it one minute and then think it's ok to try?
Can you control your appetite/ weight?
Don't add another problem into your "backpack". The devil is tempting you. Tell him Hell no.

Anonymous said...

no one plans to become a drunk. I'm sure your mom and Ron didn't plan it. Don't fool yourself to think you're stronger than they are. Alcohol is a mocker, look that up in your bible. You need God to get through these hard times, not comfort from satan.

Anonymous said...

Still letting your cats roam free. Why do you refuse to fix the catio to keep them safe? Now you are drinking. I just don't understand what is happening to you. Sounds like you are losing it and not taking your medications.

Anonymous said...

This is being done to get attention from her readers. Typical of a narcissist.

Anonymous said...

You will "do portion control" for alcohol the same way you "do portion control" for everything else in your life.

The same way you portion a six pack of diet dew or large amounts of caffeinated drink mix per day, increasing amounts and types of hemp (that was originally only for very bad migraines), daily kratom plus extra for whatever reason (kratom was originally for Ron, now shared).

You will start small (like the "Heather sip" when you bought the booze. Justified by you as "moisten lips and tongue tip" which was ok because a "Ron sip" was so much bigger.) So now it's a shot instead of a sip. Next time it will be more, or more frequently, or stronger. You will justify it with depression or mania or pain or various things that have happened in the last six months or whatever.

Or you will decide not to drink alcohol.

Anonymous said...

My guess would be the hemp and kratom...with drugs one won't care what happens...seems like you are at that point. Please give the bibles away...someone besides your storage area might be in need of them.

Heather Knits said...

About half the Bibles didn't make it back... not sure what happened there but I had a lot more cases that left. I guess God rehomed them.

I don't do the kratom daily. Not even the hemp daily the latest pack I got is so awful I am only smoking them if I have a vile headache. Learned my lesson about brand loyalty. Ugh.

Last night it took me about 15 minutes to finish one shot of gin. And I had a headache today so won't be doing that again, glad I only got the one shot bottle. I liked the taste but not the way it treated me.

I will wait on the portion cups.

Heather Knits said...

I'm taking everything as directed EXCEPTION no antidepressant this morning due to a bad headache.

Anonymous said...

anon @12:11 yep that's what I think, she wasn't getting any comments so she had to say something to get attention. I didn't take the bait. She's not dumb enough to start drinking.

Heather Knits said...

You are welcome to your opinion. And I even let it post. :) Haven't had any alcohol since the gin headache.