Tuesday, March 3, 2020

I screen my calls

So the call about my flooring went to voicemail.  They arrive tomorrow morning. 

So, excited about that.  Once I ensure everything is there I will call Carlos and arrange install for Tuesday, maybe. 

Once the floors are in I can call the dumpster people and get my stuff back.  Not from a dumpster! 

Yay!  I'm getting my bed back!  God willing I will sleep 12 hours in it once it's back. 


Heather Knits said...

Ron and I are registered Independents so we get bothered a lot by Democrats trying to swing our vote. Especially in election years.

Anonymous said...

Heather: terrified of corona virus

Also heather: votes the party that gutted the CDC, health care, emergency response, vaccine companies.


Heather Knits said...

We're going to politics now.

I am not afraid of the virus. I realized my preparations for any bad event were lacking so I built up to an acceptable level. Being able to stay home with all this going on? That's a good thing.

From what I have seen a lot of DEAD WEIGHT has been cut from the Federal payroll the last couple years. Example, my sister, during the previous administration, could walk off her VA job at will saying "Go ahead and fire me" and they couldn't. I don't know if she got laid off but she should have been. She was also defrauding workers comp.

You think someone like that should be getting probably $40K a year? A really good health plan? I don't.

I don't believe in abortion and the democrats have said you cannot be against abortion and a democrat. Their own words. If you are OK with taking living beings that can feel pain and cutting them to bits, baby ANYTHINGS much less humans... vote for people who want more of that... that's you.

That's not me and you can't shame me for voting my soul.

Trump Supporter said...

I am with you re: abortion.