Friday, March 13, 2020

I slept a lot better

I can hardly wait to get my bed back I am going to sleep so great.  I really think that security light has been affecting my sleep for a while now.  He has had it up for a couple of years. 

If I am sleeping this well on a cot with 2 cats, I can only imagine how I will sleep with a nice squishy queen bed. 

I got up, had a headache, took some headache pills.  I know the aspirin is not great with my medication but it was a pretty serious headache. 

I am not hungry so I won't eat. 

I think it was the orange cupcake I had yesterday, I knew there was a reason I didn't eat them but it was the only thing... agh.  I know now. 

My "pandemic snacks" for lack of a better term, are being saved for actual lockdown.  I have soda, small bottles and 2 liters, drink mix, bottled drinks for Ron, drink mix for Ron. 

Ron only wanted one box of the Strawberry Crush drink mix, he really liked it but I just had the one and I am not going back. 

I sent my aunt a text, IF she is already going to pick up some.  With a picture.  We will see, she comes out next week so that might be really good timing. 

I am very excited about it because he normally only has about 4 ounces of liquid at a time but he drank the whole bottle. 

I also got more straws as that is easier for him to drink.  The stroke and all. 

I decided I have 3 days off so how will I spend them?  One day just vegetating around the house - likely today.  My feet were a little sore yesterday with all the standing and running around.  So, like I said, likely today.  One day run to head shop and get some more incense and hemp smokes.  That will involve some walking so I don't want to do it today. 

One day, clean and organize front room so I can get my stuff back easily.  I don't want a bunch of impediments.  Especially as it will require two strong men to move the loveseats.  I don't want any trouble. 

Then one day to go to the head shop.  I may do that the same day as the cleaning (it won't take all day) and then have 2 days to vegetate assuming I can even get to work on Monday. 

Monday I find out when my stuff comes back.  Monday I also get the dumpster.  So a good day. 

I also need to find out how many paratransit tickets Ron has because I may need to get more at the grocery store.  Really hoping I do not have to go but you never know. 

Return day is approaching!  I am really happy about that as I miss my stuff.  A lot of it is not sticking around, that's why I got the dumpster, but I will really appreciate the stuff that does come back.  I miss getting dressed sitting on the edge of the bed.  I don't have good balance so you can imagine how that has been going.  I had shoes that went, some disaster supplies I will really look forward to seeing, etc.  Clothes, my aunt can help me sort them.  I am only keeping 2-3X tops and 20-24W pants.  That will free up a lot of room in my closet.  I really like the organizers I got too even though the shoe one is only big enough for one of my shoes at a time.  It can still hold 5 pair even like that.  I would take a photo but I have half a dozen cloth reusable pads hanging up to dry in there.  I got the heavy ones. 

I had gotten some of the light/medium ones when I had the spotting issue and I liked them but of course disposable is the most convenient.  But one thing I count on times will get bad so it is good to have a backup.  The light-medium ones got taken but I figured I needed some heavy ones anyway.  I was impressed when I took the heavy ones out of the washer they had taken up a ton of liquid.  I just washed them with the other clothes in a bra bag.  Glad I did get them. 

Even though odds are I am getting everything back next week, you just don't know and that would just be a horrible time. 

I have plenty of cat food, and more coming back.  I just never want to be without a backup bag of food so I went ahead and got one even though I already have one.  When everything gets back I will have about 1 and 3/4 total.  I may go ahead and do some cleaning today, at the very least figure out litter box placement, those have moved around a lot but everyone is using them. 

That is funny, they come in from outside to use the box.  I find that utterly hysterical and a big relief as isn't that the big complaint?  "Your cat is digging up my garden?"  Not my cats. 

The tomcat has moved on, too many beat downs from Biscuit.  Biscuit has been hanging out under the tub in the drywall hole.  I need to get that fixed.  That would be horrible if he got sick and died in there. 

Ron is asleep.  The other night when I couldn't I realized Ron sleeps a couple of hours, wakes up for an hour or two, goes back to sleep.  That is just his pattern and often why he greets me with such delight when I am awake in the middle of the night. 

He has asked me, in the past, not to wake him up ever but the one time I left him asleep and went to the store he was quite upset when I got back.  He didn't think to call me and just lay there wondering if I was coming back, I think.  So I will ask him about that when he gets up. 

He is just snoring away.  It doesn't bother me because my Dad snored, my whole life I have lived in a house with a man who snored.  It is funny how that worked out. 

But I know it bothers a lot of people, not for me.  Oh, that is another thing I get back, my alarm clock and noisemaker.  I can finally use them again and turn off my cell phone at night.  I have a little bedside table I will use, I stained it myself years ago, back in 2006, during my wood staining mania.  I stained all sorts of unfinished wood things.  A storage chest, my dresser, the table, a cabinet, bookcases, etc.  Anyway it is almost the exact color of the floor.  It could use a coat of polycrylic but is in perfect shape otherwise. 

I was never able to figure out what I wanted to do with the drawer pulls on the dresser, so I finally got some satin nickel (!) ones at Home Depot back when I had just gotten the check,  I wanted to be sure I did budget for them so I got them when I got the paint.  Boy, that was spendy, but the walls look great.  I can put them on the dresser when it gets back. 

Actually, I will probably get the poly, finish the dresser and the side table with another coat, then put the pulls on and finished.   The finish cleans up with soap and water so easy to use.  Very little odor, too, from what I remember. 

I did notice a very slight odor in the house when we came home the other day, I think it is the flooring but I do not notice it otherwise. 

I have actually been impressed I have not had bad odors in my house.  I could smell the compound for the drywall but it wasn't bad.. paint was negligible, I am really glad I got the good brand (Behr Marquee), floors have been fine. 

I can't do plug ins the cats hate them and essential oils are not safe for cats.  Incense seems to be OK. 

It does make Baby Girl sneeze, rarely.  Spotty brought home that URI (cold) and they all passed it around, everyone got it but Torbie.  I am starting to think Torbie is immortal.  Baby Girl had the hardest time with it everyone else it was just a few days.  But she is recovering. 

There is very little a vet can do aside from prescribe antibiotics and I was giving PRObiotics which I feel was a better call. 

I do need to get more of them (probiotic). 


Anonymous said...

“ That would be horrible if he got sick and died in there”

“ I did notice a very slight odor in the house when we came home the other day”

Maybe mama cat is dead in the wall somewhere

Also your husbands carpet is quite literally soaked in urine and your nose is prob used to it, so I’m willing to bet others can smell it.

I doubt it’s the flood light keeping you up at night, it’s the drunken man in the other room.

Quit wasting money on INCENSE and hemp. Good lord save your money now is not the time to blow it.

Heather Knits said...

No, this was a slight chemical odor, like paint almost. I think it was the floors.

Yes, his room reeks something terrible. But he takes great pride in being quiet for me.

Anonymous said...

It was probably the floors. I have vinyl plank flooring and there was an odor when it was installed. Mop it before your stuff comes back while it is mostly empty. That will help with the smell.

Anonymous said...

Forget the damn dumpster and get the drywall fixed. if you have so much stuff that you need a dumpster for it you are out of control

Anonymous said...

“ . But he takes great pride in being quiet for me”

Your blog tells a different story

Anonymous said...

Why won't you just take up the rug and get rid of it? Whether it gets painted or not that room needs a good cleaning. Weren't you embarrassed when the workers were there? Doesn't anything embarrass you?

Heather Knits said...

Have to sort through all his about hoarding it is horrific...figure out what he wants to keep, box it up, move bed, table, dresser, rip up rug and dispose (will probably rent a small dumpster for that), do drywall repair, paint, flooring in that order. It is going to be a big job.

If I am going to rip out the carpet I might as well do the whole job.

Heather Knits said...

Most nights, lately, he is quiet. Of course everytime I say that we get a blowout.

Heather Knits said...

You want me to bring a bunch of unwanted un-necessary crap into the house? Why?

The dumpster is $400, $435 with tax. Drywall repair is going to be a lot more, its basically en entire 10 foot wall.

I am looking long term likely I am going to have paramedics, home care, etc. in the house it had better be as bare as possible. Right now I am fine letting anyone in the house because there is nothing. I would like to keep it like that.

$400 is money well spent and I have it left thanks to Carlos and his super-affordable repairs.

Heather Knits said...

I didn't notice a smell when I came back today so it is fading off.

Anonymous said...

If you have a recorder you can leave a message on it and put it by his bed that way when he wakes up if you do not answer when he yells he can push the button and know to call you? Just a thought .

Heather Knits said...

He had a phone with him he just forgot he could call me.