Friday, March 13, 2020

I think the internet is getting overloaded.

I am having trouble getting pages to load; I think I will post at off peak times. 

I had a cheddar sausage for dinner, it was very good.  I am glad I have more I look forward to eating them over the next couple days.  I was able to get whole wheat buns before everyone went buggo so I am OK in that regard, plenty of cat food and litter too. 

Ron is doing well no pain today as far as I can tell.  I am still working on organizing the house, it is looking pretty good.  But I got my meds taken. 

I wasn't able to reply to comments so I will just say this, someone was skeptical about the hemp working for me.  It does, very well. 

The medical community gave me Imitrex, which almost caused a heart attack, and Bubital, which made me incredibly anxious and manic while at the same time compounding the migraine.  I never took it again.  OTC pain pills cause worsening rebound headaches if you use them more than once a week. 

So not a lot of faith in conventional headache remedies. 


Friend wo his avoiding the virus!!!! said...

I have read your blog since the beginning and can attest you were suffering from vomiting sick migraines for weeks at a time and if you say this works for you? I believe you 100% it is so much better than dumping over the counter headache combos with the amount of Mountain Dew you drink you are better off with the hemp and Mountain Dew honestly your guts will thank you the caffeine and aspirin alone were eating up your tummy . Good for you for finding a non narcotic herbal relief

I am anxious to hear and read about the states for saved lives with the dramatic shutting down of services and events. . I am glad to do my part . I am going to avoid getting sick so I do not infect anyone else. So no travel or group events for me but I am ok getting coffee and food locally . Just not nearly as often as I used to and I do not bring my reusable cup right now.

You will have to add “survived 2020 coronavirus pandemic “ into your intro !

Anonymous said...

Imitrix isn’t supposed to be a daily type of thing. Try topiramate (sp) I’ve tried telling you this 100x. Cured me of my migraines and it’s cheap. They gave me imitrix too and I quit filling it because they could only give me 9 pills a month and it doesn’t work.

Anonymous said...

I don't know why people are against hemp, and if it works for you that's wonderful.

Ron seems to do well with the Kratom. How often does he take it, and how many grams at a time? Do you notice any side effects, like anxiety or more energy? Any other things besides pain relief? Again, if it works for him that's wonderful.

Heather Knits said...

He generally wants 1-2 grams a couple times a day, he takes it in capsules.

One very bad night he got up to 11 grams.

Anonymous said...

That sounds like a low maintenance dose, that one night must have been a horrible night for him.

Heather Knits said...

He has the occasional really bad night but overall a daily routine seems to stave the pain.