Friday, March 13, 2020

Got most of it done

I decided to attack the front room and got it about half done.  I am very pleased as I still have days yet to work. 

I decided to go to the head shop and get my hemp smokes.  I walked out to the bus stop, a very odd woman dressed in bike apparel with a flashing light on the helmet she was wearing, most bikers take off the helmet when not riding... kept staring at me with a paranoid expression and I was a good 20 feet away. 

Got on the bus she followed, didn't want to pay and began raving incoherent I would bet schizophrenia.  I was glad I only went a few stops. 

I went to the gas station first and got my snack.  Then I went to the shop.  Both places were dead but fully stocked. 

I went for the smokes first just to show I was going to spend some money.  I got a pack of Stunnas (they have horrible reviews but work for me, and take a headache), 2 other packs.  I got a single for my aunt, it is in a fancy plastic tube. 

She has horrible migraines and can smoke that the next time she needs a rescue, if she wants.  Then I got some incense. 

Off to the bus stop a very short wait.  I had to close up my drink and put the snack away (no eating or drinking on the bus and I have heard it is a $300 ticket if they catch you).  I had an uneventful walk home it was nice and a little warm for my jacket. 

I put my stuff away and finished my snack (I am saving the "Cajun Dill Gator Tators" for later).  I got on the computer for a little while, did some more cleaning, it was 1 PM before I knew it so I decided to take a nap. 

I had a good nap but woke up when the kittens caught something, brought it in, and were chasing it.  I believe it was a lizard that kept biting them because the kittens were growling.  I didn't see anything when I got up. 

I had a horrible headache again so I had a hemp smoke, this time one of my menthols.  It did the job in minutes.  Ron was asking me how I got into this and I said I would do a lot to get rid of a headache, including smoking an herbal if that's what it took. 

When I finish up I will do some more organizing.  I am in my nightgown and don't want to get dressed again so I won't.  I need to get rid of the potty chair, move the red bookcase into the computer room (clear it off, too), clean the litter boxes, and at the very least sweep the floor.  Tomorrow I will do more organizing and mop.  Sunday I won't need to do anything. 

But for now I think I will rot my brain on the computer for a while. 

Oh, and Ron asked for more Olive Leaf.  I helped him find his bottle and also ordered him some from Swanson, who still has everything in stock. 


Anonymous said...

Why aren't you moving Ron into the orange room until his room is done? He will have to move anyway to get the rug pulled up and the work planned and done. If you move him now, you can throw his rug in the dumpster next week along with other stuff that he doesn't want anymore.

Heather Knits said...

I will ask, he may not want to because it is farther from the bathroom. But if I get manic I could do the cleanout next week. And I have herbs that will ASSURE a mania (Mom and Dad were not happy to hear this).

Anonymous said...

he can just piss on the waterproof floor

You also have a portable toilet

Next excuse?

Heather Knits said...

He is blind and has a head injury, change is very hard for him... I will have to ask when he gets up. I suppose it is possible I could just move him in there if he wanted.

Anonymous said...

I suggested it because it will be easier on him to move when the house is still empty and quiet. His head injury and cognitive decline is the exact reason I recommend you move him now. He is not able to think through all the steps that need to be taken in his room, and he won't be doing the work.

He will need to move anyway. It will be easier on you, and him, to move him now.

Heather Knits said...

He said he didn't care if I moved him, so I will... gonna need a good mania for that plus the get-back. But dumpster is only $10 a day extra past my week.

See, I listen. That's a good idea. The room is nice and all ready to go. Pretty empty, too, I can take out the chair and bookcase.

It's going to be a very busy week! But I will take such joy in ripping out that filthy carpet, then I can go take a good shower once I get it in the dumpster. I will get my stuff back first and then go from there.

One upheaval at a time. :)

Anonymous said...

So postman will ruin your brand new floor. Awesome. If he pisses on the floor I hope you cut off his vodka

Anonymous said...

Yay!! I am so happy you are moving him. It will make cleaning out that room so much easier. I had to get rid of nasty carpeting in my house. It is such a joy when it is gone. Get it out of your life.

Anonymous said...

doesn't smoking pot take away your energy? you already struggle with it.

Heather Knits said...

This doesn't have THC, the "fun" stuff, so it just gets me a little dizzy and helps me relax. If I have a headache it takes the headache in 3 puffs. Amazingly fast. And it lasts for hours (pain relief). Enough that I carry some with me at all times. A pack of 20 smokes is $10 I have spent that on fancy soaps so I don't have an issue with it.

I do try to smoke outside because odors...