Monday, March 16, 2020

I can say

Without reprisal, Ron took his motion sickness pill.  I can say it affected him.  I can say work was awful.  I had to take him outside.

He wants me to call a Uber but I'm not screwing up my 5 star rating to transport him like this.


Anonymous said...

What the hell does any of that even mean?

Why are you going in to work right now and TAKING HIM WITH YOU. “It would be a death sentence”

Anonymous said...

Why are either of you out right now? You have terrible priorities and you are just reckless.

Heather Knits said...

The Postal Workers need to eat and management (ours and theirs) would be exceedingly pissed if we stayed home. I only take him out to work these days.

Anonymous said...

Call your management and confirm that they expect an elderly, medically frail man to take public transportation in Houston right now.

Anonymous said...

Postal workers don’t need your garbage vending machine food. For everyone’s safety they should bring a bagged lunch. Ron should absolutely have stayed home. Reckless indeed. I wonder if you want him to catch it.

Heather Knits said...

They would absolutely say he has to go and stock, if he doesn't feel he is up to the job to quit (several other vendors would fight over it).

You should see them when I am out of Cheez-its. It gets ugly. They want their garbage snacks, on that we agree, nothing good except maybe the protein granola bar.

Anonymous said...

There is a literal pandemic. They cannot force him to come in. And, you’ve gone in by yourself before so stop lying.

Anonymous said...

"They would absolutely say he has to go and stock, if he doesn't feel he is up to the job to quit"

NOT true AT ALL. You said months ago that the other vendor is never there and he is still in the program. You have gone in to stock without Ron a few times. Why are you lying?

Heather Knits said...

There is a different ruler for the other vendor, who is apparently a golden boy in the program. I could say more but I won't.