Saturday, March 14, 2020

What would I do without him?


Anonymous said...

I look the same way when photographed from behind, so I can't judge.

Hi Biscuit!

Anonymous said...

He’s trying to break the table so you get an actual desk

Heather Knits said...

He's a good boy!

Anonymous said...

Why won't you fix the damn Carlo and keep the cats safe? There was no reason to rent a dumpster for 400 you can't have that much stuff that you would need to do that. Remember you said you weren't a hoarder.

Heather Knits said...

I would rather have more dumpster than I need, and I used a surprising amount of the cleanout dumpster when they were done, just cleaning out one pantry and a very small computer room closet. That was a 12 yard, I filled it to the top (not counting the debris there already). I figure if I do a "good" job I am going to need more than that, the next size is 15. I will absolutely need all of it if I clean out Ron's room and rip out that carpet.

Heather Knits said...

Now we're getting abusive and will not be published. I have explained, MANY TIMES how I bought a lot of crap before my illness was under control. All that was still in the house and I have been cleaning it out as I got manic if I didn't have more pressing tasks.

But even at my worst I didn't qualify as a hoarder, that honor goes to my half sister, whose house was so hoarded I couldn't even get to the bathroom.

Anonymous said...

"MANY TIMES how I bought a lot of crap before my illness was under control." Hasn't your illness been under control for quite some time now? At least 8 years or more. So why wasn't this crap dealt with in all of this time? You only worked a few hours every day and it is only in the past year that ron has needed more help so I am not sure what you were doing with your time. From the sound of it nothing productive.

Anonymous said...

Even your current wish list attests to your irrational buying patterns. You have multiple requests for blankets and comforters and shower curtains and throw pillows. How many of each do you really need? Ron has no need for throw pillows in his room. They will just get urinated on or bloodied or have food on them. Not to mention the picture for the bathroom would need to be framed as moisture and humidity will ruin the paper.

Heather Knits said...

I will clean up the list but I think the only pillow I put down for Ron is his back, and the print for the bathroom is laminated. I have one shower curtain up.

For me, I can't decide between the two comforters or even if I want one. Right now I just dog pile blankets in the winter.

Blankets: one for summer, double thick one for winter (and cats, they all love Ron's)

I would say I only got to a good place with my illness a few years ago. Clinically, too. I did a lot of blogs in that time. :p I also spend a lot of time in travel even to Walmart, before I started doing Uber.

Friend said...

I can not believe that you put a picture of that adorable cat and people are ragging you about hoarding LOL there is NOTHING about you that screams hoarder to me either . You do not even compulsively shop you rarely buy anything for yourself lately it is all for the house and I think a few posters and curtains are not a huge expenditure get that dumpster I paid a lot more than that when I rented one and dump with reckless abandon it is soooo freeing...

Messy does not mean hoarder you explained to use ages ago why you were messy and how you used your energy during depressions .

Give Biscochito a huge hug for me!