Monday, March 16, 2020

On a lighter note

Ron is resting comfortably sleeping.  He did not have a fever, which rules out the armchair diagnoses of COVID and bladder infection. 

I called Jose back, 3 times in one day, I felt like a pest.  Normally I do not advocate well for myself.  BUT I want my bed. 

He is coming tomorrow with my stuff.  Yay!  I think he found my eagerness endearing. 

I put the Cokes and a couple of Monsters in the fridge. 

My aunt can't come.  Her family is visiting.  That is OK I have done cleanouts before nothing on this scale because I never had a big enough disposal field.  I am SET now 15 yard's worth.  Probably more than I need but go big or go home. 

They are not coming super early so I will have time to sleep a little (6 or so) until it gets started around 10 they think. 

Ron generally bounces back pretty fast from things like this.  I will give him some Pepto pills (he should have them anyway) when he gets up and he can take them as needed.  He would never drink the liquid but I think the pills will work, I have enough I can spare a bottle for him.  That will help coat his stomach. 

I can't abide that word "tummy".  UGH.  I also have Gatorade when he feels up to it.  I actually have the liquid and the powder to make it.  We do get the occasional stomach bug around here. 

I need to take a shower and hang up my clothes so I can dress easily tomorrow.  I really miss sitting on the edge of my bed, getting dressed.  So hard to do with a chair or standing by a wall. 

I miss sleeping in my bed but hopefully tomorrow a new day will dawn. 

Ron woke up, didn't want pepto or gatorade, went back to sleep.  I need to finish some details before we are ready to go. 


Anonymous said...

Your husband is sick and you are allowing workers to come into your home tomorrow?

It doesn't matter that Ron probably doesn't have covid based on your medical opinion. He has something, and you are helping spread it around. Ron was acting weird before you left home this morning, long before he ate the sandwich you claim gave him food poisoning. Acting out when not feeling well is what people who have head injuries and cognitive decline do. He was sick all day. You brought him out and helped spread his germs.

Stop being selfish. This is terrible.

Anonymous said...

FYI he can have a UTI without a fever so YES he needs to see a doctor. Call his primary doc. Let them know about his confusion, urinary issues and let doc decide if he should come in.

Heather Knits said...

There are things I can't talk about but I can say he was reading and enjoying porn, discussing politics, listening to music, sleeping well, etc. last night. So much for "confusion" which likely had a cause I can't talk about. He has difficult days but they are not the result of some contagion but more likely a more Biblical curse which again I can't talk about. And, again, no fever.

DONE hinting on that if you are too thick too bad. You will notice some comments with theories do not get published because they are ACCURATE. INaccurate ones do get published. :)

Anonymous said...

You are a nut case. There is no such thing as a biblical curse. Your husband is a nasty piece of work

Anonymous said...

You are just playing games with people. That is what narcissists do and you lady are a narcassist.

Heather Knits said...

I'm a narcissist? I don't even take selfies and am always getting yelled at by my step mom because I don't.

Biblical curse is a euphemism. The Bible, in proverbs, says something is a curse... that is all I will say.

Anonymous said...

Taking selfies isn’t a requirement of being a narcissist. Only caring about yourself is, and that’s QUITE apparent here. You may say you care about Ron but really all you do is use him , use your caregiving as sympathy and you’ve even bragged about pulling a sympathy card to gain things. And you have little empathy for those around you. Very sad.

Ron is just an asshole he’s not biblically cursed.

Heather Knits said...

I had Ron sit in his wheelchair looking pitiful when they were assessing damage and giving bids, not that it stopped one company from quoting me $14K. At work when they took our stockroom I played the "Your postal worker put my blind man in a wheelchair" card and got us a stockroom. That's about it.

Anonymous said...

No. Bladder infections don't require fevers, I've never had a fever with a UTI. You don't have any training and it shows.

Heather Knits said...

He was fine this morning, too.

To the other one upset about the "Biblical" thing comment your email and I will tell you privately. But it is not syphilis. And I don't want it published.