Saturday, March 7, 2020

Brought all the flooring in...

Got it set up, I was going to do it tomorrow but Dad said in an email to give it a few days.  Those suckers are heavy.  Cats kept getting in my way.  "Let's trip Heather!"  I will be sore tomorrow but I brought in all 19 cases. 

The underlayment was nice and light, easy to move, tool kit was small and easy.  I need to do the trim I just remembered.  Ok, that is done. 

So you have to bring the vinyl plank flooring in a couple of days ahead of time.  Good to know.  I had been told that by one of you but hearing it and then reading it made me realize I had better get it all in the house.  I did it. 

I put up one of my posters, finally.  I had been pretty depressed, still am, but a little more manic today.  So I opened one up and got it hung, it is the green forest one, I put it in the bedroom and then it will contrast the purple. 

I will do the fall colors poster maybe tomorrow, before my stuff comes back because I want to put it in the dining nook and the table will block me once it's back.  I went to voicemail when I called my parents so I guess I will call them tomorrow. 

I took my pills.  Ron managed to burn his leg again.  I still have my ointments so he will be OK.  I just can't leave him for a minute with a TV dinner he will put it on his leg. 

Other than that it has been uneventful.  I will spend tomorrow cleaning assuming I do not have a headache. 


Anonymous said...

Please get help.

Anonymous said...

You’ve been doing a ton! Can you get a vacation after al this?

Heather Knits said...

Once I get everything set up I plan to just veg in bed and enjoy my new house for a few days.

I am just debating getting things like the slipcovers and decorative pillows now vs. when I have everything done (flooring and dumpster purge), then do it knowing a firm budget, or do it now and have everything on hand the minute my stuff comes back.

Leaning toward the more prudent of waiting... but would like to have it now.