Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Wednesday after the excitement

I laid down for a nap but I was too wound-up to rest, and Ron got hungry and wanted a corn dog.  So I got up, fed him, figured I might as well stay up. 

I did some business things and got online for a while.  The grocery delivery came on time, they didn't have the hot dogs but they did have the milk. 

I brought it all in, garage is dry now.  Ron has been "cold" all day so we didn't run the A/C even though it was pretty warm out today.  One thing I learned, we don't have insulation, I don't know how the house stays so cool in the summer but it does. 

A nice benefit.  He is drinking right now in the kitchen but behaving himself so far. 

I had a hemp smoke and finally got my appetite back.  I had a can of spaghettios with hotdogs (already in the can), not bad.  I took my pills. 

I had enough milk today finishing off the old jug, I got plenty of protein.  I just hope I can sleep tonight. 

I would have loved to see my face when I heard the dripping.  It's funny now but at the time it was just horrifying. 

I am really done with leaks. 

And I am going to shut up about it for now.  This afternoon has been pretty uneventful, thank God. 

I have had to keep telling Ron the problem is fixed, he didn't really process there was a problem until we got home and I mentioned all the water in the garage.  All fixed now, though.  So he basically only had one bad hour vs. my several. 

We just spent some time on the loveseats in the front room.  He can sit pretty easily in the big heavy loveseat, he can brace himself getting up/down without a problem.  I sat on the wood framed one.  We had a nice time just sitting and talking, what I envisioned when I was organizing the house in my head.  He did glaze over when I started talking about decorating but it was nice. 

I have a huge stack of puzzle books and some mechanical pencils, the same kind I used to take my GED test, so I am very fond of that style even 25 years later.  That will prove useful if the internet gets bogged down. 

It was really discouraging to me to see how many people were out today.  Even in my subdivision, everyone driving up and down the main street.  They are supposed to stay at home.  We had to work essential and all that, same with the plumber, but everyone else? 

And how sad with at least 7 people in the house #6 can't be bothered to bring in their empty garbage cans hours after collection.  Lazy.  Their yard is really overgrown, too. 

Oh, and I saw YARD GUYS out today.  They are NOT exempt.  But they are chasing that dollar. 

Right now they are giving citizens a lot of rope, and the populace are taking advantage.  That may very well end soon. 

For the short term Ron and I are behaving. 

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