Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Wednesday morning

The funniest and most notable part of my experience yesterday, my overwhelming hatred of the under wire bra and my ongoing desire to remove it.  God forbid I ever have to do another cleanout I will wear a sport bra (front close!). 

So that's all done. 

I slept pretty well it was very odd lying on my mattress last night.  Biscuit and Torbie were delighted they could sleep with me, and it was nice they could stretch out for a change.  Once I dropped off I slept pretty well. 

I took a couple of grams of kratom over the course of the day, yesterday, and I believe that triggered today's migraine.  I was able to whack it with some Excedrin, and hemp.  I feel well enough to do some housework and go through my stuff. 

My jewelry, except for a few costume pieces, is gone.  :(  Not happy about that BUT I don't remember exactly what I had in there so I can't file a claim.  I have learned my lesson. 

My pressure canner ran off, as well.  Huh.  I hope they don't make a bomb out of it because my finger prints are all over the thing. 

I did get the last 2 boxes sorted and put away, got all my shoes back, happy about that.  I need some flip flops but that's about it. 

I got the dresser unwrapped and moved one drawer.  I had planned to get new drawer pulls but the replacement screws are too short.  I had a hell of a time getting the drawer onto the new track, but I did get it.  It at least looks symmetrical, I didn't do all the drawer pulls so I only have about half of them (when I bought it, I stained some to look like the dresser).  I can work with it now. 

I did lose my temper a few times, though.  But I got it.  Sorted out the boxes, put all that away.  I have a lot of tshirts.  And these are only the ones that fit me.  Socks, underwear, etc. went in the dresser (don't ask, I just never did that before).  I have some buckets to sort but that can wait a little while. 

Torbie had fun exploring the dresser which is why I left the drawers open, she likes to sleep on the clothes and is so cute I won't stop her. 

The organizers are awesome and very glad I had them, I got the kind that hang on hooks from the rod, towards the floor, have lots of pockets. 

I cleaned off the upholstered couch and found an orange sheet on it, I used it as a cover and put an orange towel down on the seating area.  It is cute, I like it. 

I am now debating do I want to do orange and navy or orange and turquoise for the cushions.  I am leaning toward navy. 

Ron is asleep, when he gets up I am going to strip his bed and give him a bath, take his shirt which is filthy and the reason I use Tide on his clothes.  Pretty much anything will work for my clothes but Tide is the best for Ron. 

Someone may be coming by to get what is left of the canning supplies, if she does great, if not dumpster. 


Anonymous said...

Well when you LET people just take your stuff they will steal. I still don't understand why they had to take it all. You could have just moved most of it into the garage or the living room. It is very telling that most of the stuff you got back just went into the dumpster anyway. Perhaps this will make you rethink some of your wasteful buying and shopping habits.

Heather Knits said...

The garage was extensively damaged as well. I was lucky to get some clothes and my medication. Look up manic people and spending, it ought to be an eye opener. If they have a lot of money they accumulate a lot of high end items, if they have a low budget they go to the dollar store and buy $20-30 worth of useless bits of junk.

Anonymous said...

OK but we have been telling you to STOP with the buying and you ignore us and continue to shop and shop.

Friend said...

I googled that and this blog was the first result.

Anonymous said...

It's just a learning experience. Never let movers handle/pack/move your small valuables. One (or more) of the workers probably saw an opportunity.

That is why the company inventoried your stuff. If you had noticed the jewelry was not on the inventory, you could have discussed that with the company. If the jewelry was on the inventory and did not come back, call the company and tell them.

I'm sorry you lost your jewelry. I hardly ever wear jewelry, but I have some that I inherited from my mother that I don't want to lose.

Heather Knits said...

I have been very reasonable in my purchases the last couple years. BUT before that no holds barred max out the paycheck. I had to clean up THAT mess.

I don't have any small valuables now so I don't have to worry about that anymore, I only wear cheap titanium jewelry (that was most of it but they did get my engagement ring, not a huge monetary value but still not happy about it) these days due to my work and being on public transit. I want to be the poorest looking person on the bus.

But still upsetting. I have learned a lesson. They also stole some canned food I had taken which I find amusing and annoying at the same time. Really? You are so scared you are going to steal a half case of generic spaghetti rings? Risk YOUR JOB over that? shaking my head

Anonymous said...

I hear ya. I spent 15 years using public transit exclusively. I wore basic clothes and a backpack every day.

I would consider calling the pack out company to let them know that they have at least one thief working for them. If your insurance company contracted with this pack out company, call them first and ask for guidance. If I recall correctly, this company was paid big money by your insurance company. Ask for compensation.

Again, I am very sorry for the loss of your jewelry (and everything else they stole). Thieves suck!!

Anonymous said...

If they stole your jewelry file a claim. If you don’t file a claim I tend to think this is the paranoid schizophrenia talking again. Who doesn’t report their ENGAGEMENT ring stolen?

Heather Knits said...

Technically it is bipolar psychosis.

I haven't opened the "batteries" box, I will check that before I make any phone calls. I had batteries but not that many, maybe they put something else in there.

It was not a high monetary value ring but I had it set with some fake sapphires and two purple garnets, 3.5mm rounds... I liked it. It didn't fit anymore, though. But, like I said, maybe it is in the battery box.

I did find the canned food in the garage.

Anonymous said...

So again you react before getting all the facts.

Heather Knits said...

I don't find my jewelry in any of the "bedroom" boxes, I get pissed. I think anyone would.

You people.... [rolleyes] So, Ron peed his bed two nights in a row go chew on that for a while. Glad I did the vinyl sheets.

Anonymous said...

Obviously Ron needs to go to the doctor. He should not be peeing the bed. Dementia can cause that because the part of the brain that controls just short circuits and eventually stops regulating control of bladder and bowels. Something for you to look forward to.

Anonymous said...

What if his issues all come to a head once the hospitals are overloaded (it is coming. Not if. When) and you’re going to wish you took him earlier.

Anonymous said...

Liquor stores and shutting down. Lol

No longer :”friend” someone else is using it said...

“Anonymous Anonymous said...
OK but we have been telling you to STOP with the buying and you ignore us and continue to shop and shop.”
Omg that is the funniest thing I have ever heard!
Would it be nice if all you had to do with mental illness is tell it to stop? Anonymous you are such an idealistic person LOL
Let’s just all start shouting at mental illness to “stop it!” We have plenty of time during this quarantine to go around on peoples blogs who are completely transparent about mental illness ..and cure them by telling them “STOP IT “
Maybe by the time this is over if we all work hard enough telling it to STOP it will be cured in all its various forms.
Besides this is a silly obsession you have with what Healther should and should not do

If what we saw, in the way of boxes, was all you had then you are not a hoarder absolutely not that was not a lot of boxes considering they packed up your entire household but Ron correct?

Heather this is a lot for you I think now is the time to buckle down and just “do you” and care for Ron . If the comments on your Blog seem too much just turn them off completely . There is enough stress in your life and in our world right now there doesn’t need to be more by someone who thinks you are wrong no matter how hard you try. Makes me wonder if sure does. I agree however that Ron may have a bladder infection especially now he is wetting the bed you may need to take him in do you have a mask just in case? I would take him to the ED or an UC . Just call before you go and find out what the status is . We are all screening and sanitizing before people enter the building now . Last night on my way home from work it was like Marshal law out there. I live downtown in a very big city and with all the bars and restaurants closed there was no one out other than the odd dog walker ...even our homeless are “gone” someplace .

Getting sick and spreading it is not in my plans that is for sure. I am a hermit when I am not working (for the most part although I do miss lunches with friends everything is closed and it is too cold to sit outside and eat at a social distance anyway! So this just validates me !

I am a bit worried about Ron but you are there and can see him. Seriously this does sound like a bladder infection and sometimes older people do not get temps so it can be misleading.
Much love and strength your way and it you can just “stop” your mental illness by doing what your commenters say then spread it around we may have a cure! OOOXXX LOL

Anonymous said...

"that was not a lot of boxes considering they packed up your entire household"
That was just from her bedroom and office.

She told us to tell her to stop when she was overbuying. Plus she is medicated so she should not be having problems with buying like she is.

Heather Knits said...

I will allow that comment... for this response. they took the whole house except part of the kitchen and Ron's room. Two bedrooms, front room, dining area, part of the kitchen.

None of what you saw was new, I don't know how to convey that. A couple of new pillows are OK I need them if anyone is going to sit on my couch. It is not comfortable otherwise.

My last delivery order I spent $40. For a week of groceries. I think that is reasonable. That is in the middle of a pandemic with food shortages, no less.

When I was really ill I wasted a lot of money on food most of which got thrown out.

Heather Knits said...

And bathroom, I forgot the bathroom.