Saturday, March 14, 2020

Saturday morning and back to IE

Chrome is DOWN... but IE works so I went back to it.  And to think I was blaming my ISP. 

I didn't sleep well and had nightmares about pandemics.  I moved the water back in the house when I got up.  They are doing day care next door and that has ramped up, they had new kids out there last night, so I want that out of sight. 

#6 is addicted to bottled water, once many years ago she saw me walking to the bus stop, it was a nice day, and she was horrified I was going to walk a couple of blocks "too far" and offered me a ride.  I took it, the minivan was full of half empty water bottles.  And I have seen him bringing in those refillable 5 gallon water jugs every day or so. 

It's all tap water... but they don't get that and she is FROM Mexico and their tap water, if you can even get it, is not to be trusted.  She still has that thinking.  And there I am with cases of the good stuff sitting in my backyard...nope, not THAT stupid. 

Ron is utterly addicted to the Eckrich Beddar Cheddar sausages.  I was going to share them but he likes them so much I will let him have the last 2. He couldn't ask for it directly, his brain wouldn't let him.  There is something going on but he refuses to get it seen and no way do I want him at a doctor's office right now. 

Anyway he kept asking for the "cheese".  "The cheese I ate yesterday".  I said "On a bun?" and he almost cried as he said yes.  So I went and got him one.  45 seconds is perfect in our microwave.  He ate that and went to sleep. 

I got the water in the house job 1.  Now I need to sweep. 

I had a hell of a time yesterday I could not find the cat litter scoop to save my life.  I was so frustrated because it is impossible to clean a litter box without a scoop.  I hunted high and low and I couldn't get online to Chewy to get a new one, I almost cried with frustration.  I went outside, walked around the yard, came back, and saw it under the cat condo. 

Ron "You need to come up with a good place now". "Actually, I like under the cat condo"  I plan to get online at off times. 

If it is true we are getting martial law, which I hear is coming, it is a given everyone is going to be at home on the computer.  But most people are up conventional hours and I am not.  I like to go to bed very early and get up very early. 

It is a lot easier to fall asleep in the nice dark room.  I am really looking forward to getting my bed back and then I can really sleep great.  The floors look really great with the curtains and walls, I am glad I did it. 

I will be really glad to get "my preps" back because I have never needed them more. 


Anonymous said...

You won’t take Ron in normal circumstances either. You’d say it’s because he doesn’t want to. So don’t act like the pandemic is preventing him from being seen.

Heather Knits said...

If he doesn't want to go...

One thing Ron told me years ago, basically "Don't ever doubt; you know what is best for me".

Anonymous said...

You are too attached to Ron's income streams to do the responsible thing and get him help. I can't imagine watching my husband deteriorate without getting him help. It's so sad.