Wednesday, July 5, 2023

You were warned (graphic female troubles post)

 So I started my cycle yesterday.  My menstrual cup (hereafter referred to as "cup") has measuring lines on it so you can see how much output you've got. I had about 10 ml in 12 hours which is about standard for me, I do that for 4 days or so.  From what I read 30-60 ml total for whole cycle is "normal". 

Today I had 50 ml.  I flooded my cup; thank God I had the cloth pad as backup. It is the first time I ever had to use the pad for intended purpose instead of just backup and it did a great job. I got to the bathroom (after work while I was shopping) had a graphic crime scene on my hands literally.  Thank God I had my backpack with me with the wet wipes. I cleaned up, dumped and rinsed cup (I had a bottle of water and did it over the toilet), reinserted, 2 hours later I'm home and when I pulled it out there was another 10 ml.  Needless to say I took an iron pill with some Vitamin C.  Day 2 is bad for me but this reminds me of my teens.  

During my teens I bled so heavily the little neighbor girl asked me where I got my pretty purple lipstick, and didn't believe me when I said I wasn't wearing any. My lips were just that blue.  Of course there is this horrible vicious cycle where if you bleed a lot you are iron deficient which makes you bleed a lot. 

I finally got through that. 

I took the iron and c with my nighttime pills, waited an hour and took some Ibuprofen.  I have documented success taking Ibuprofen for heavy flows. 

But what a day!  

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