Saturday, July 15, 2023

Early Saturday morning

 I had a fine trip in to work.  Lately, Thursday and Friday I have been making up little lunches for my drivers with a tuna pouch and a spork, some candy, a bottle of water, tract. Most of the drivers are really happy to get them. 

I got to work on time, looked at the incense but didn't see anything I liked.  I saw my boss before I clocked in and told her about my air going out.  She asked when I was going to get it fixed. I told her Thursday most likely as *I had to get paid first*.  She said that would be a problem unless I got someone to cover my shift and offered to "fix" it. I knew what that meant so I said no thanks I would just have it done next Saturday.  

Remember I told her I didn't have the money to fix my air?  She then tells me the store sells a really good fan for "only" $50 and I should get one.  I just looked at her like "I can't afford a repair what makes you think I can afford a fan?" and said I would look into it. 

After I clocked in I told her I could take my lunch at 7 as requested as long as I got a break at 4:30 (two and a half hours in).  She hemmed and hawed and said that might not work and the other supervisor said it was OK.  

But it is VERY hard to take her seriously when she does all this. If you want me to take my lunch at 7 you should think that every day.  And considering my job it does make sense; I did it my way with the break at 4:30 and lunch at 7,it worked fine. The fan thing I guess it has just been a long while since she didn't have any money. 

I'm a widow who works part time as an Associate.  I don't have that. I am not asking for money, I have a couple fans around the house right now, one of which is pointed at my back as I type.  I don't need a fan.  But it's like saying why don't I buy myself a nice coach lunch bag. 

About the only note on my "new" backpack people kept moving it around the breakroom last night. I tied a ribbon on the handle as it is a plain black so I'd know it's mine and I"m glad I did. I didn't have anything valuable (aside from a Bible in it) so I didn't really mind but it was frustrating not to find it where I left it. 

The other night I was sitting facing the motivational posters and that got me pretty mad as well.  They had "Sam Walton's 10 rules for business".  And, reading it, I figured store management was violating at least 5 of them. 

10 rules

They are breaking 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7. I actually read Sam Walton's biography in the 90's. He said it was his wife's idea to treat the associates well and give them better perks than the competition, which he said helped a lot with his business. That basically no one was forcing them to work there and an employee that felt happy, valued, and respected would put that much more work in every day. 

How far we have gone. I also had issues with the one boss ordering me NOT to do Job A. I went to a big gossip on our team and told her about it. So at least I have some backup on that.  

Enough about work, I bought Ace a giant chocolate bar, myself a gallon of milk and some iced tea mix, came home. The house was so warm even the toilet seat was hot and that was not a good sensation. I thought it was funny Ace was asking about Jack.  A little rivalry going on there! 

I talked to my parents and they were like "Don't have the  repair man come out on the weekend." and I told them flat our "I couldn't afford it anyway" I have "like" $50 in checking and that's not even a service call. It will have to wait until after I get paid.   And it's not bad with my fan.  

It's my day off, I slept with a couple of windows open last night but it didn't really help. I don't think I will do that again. Some turkey set off a firecracker last night which upset Cleo and had her hide under the bed. I woke up with a headache.  The Excedrin is helping but not as much as I'd like. 

That's it for now!  


Anonymous said...

"Lately, Thursday and Friday I have been making up little lunches for my drivers with a tuna pouch and a spork, some candy, a bottle of water, tract."

ALL this from a woman who can't afford to buy herself a proper backpack. This is like families where they help other people to the detriment of their own family. It is immoral and wrong. You need to stop doing this. Those drivers are paid a lot better than you are.

Anonymous said...

Box fan at Walmart is $23 and change.

Heather Knits said...

I have fans no question on that. I have a box fan, a couple of floor fans, some smaller ones you put on a desk. Ron loved fans and I only tossed the one that didn't rotate after he died. I even have a battery operated fan he liked after a seizure he would hunch over it.

The water is only $4 a case for 40 so that's 10 cents a bottle.

If I have something "nice" like a "proper" backpack I will be HASSLED AND ROBBED. A cheap $10 bag no one's going to bother me.

Anonymous said...

Tuna packets are like $1.42 each.

Anonymous said...

Is there any reason you can't work full time and closer to your house?

Anonymous said...

What would your life be like if you upped your availability and could then afford rides and have extra money. too?

Anonymous said...

You might put a bowl of ice in front of the fan.

Anonymous said...

Why is your backpack out in the break room? Don't you have a locker?

I think your boss was just offering a helpful suggestion about the fan.

Anonymous said...

Your manager sounds miserable and exhausting. Don't think you're stuck there. There are plenty of jobs out there who would love to have a hard-working employee like you

Heather Knits said...

I will address in order: tuna packets at HEB are $1.07

I would be happy to work closer to home I am over full time hours now when you factor in transportation.

I said part or full time when I applied at Walmart and they prefer to keep me part time. I wouldn't really come out ahead financially when you look at the rides I'd have to pay.

I don't have an icemaker, tiny freezer.

I share a locker with someone else not enough room for the bag (locker is about 10 inches cube).

Boss didn't want me taking a day off and trying to "shut me up" about the fan.

They are building a gas station and some shops near my house. I plan to apply when they open.