Monday, July 10, 2023

Monday evening

 So a little background on #6 (my next door neighbor).  Years ago (I am going to totally go around the kids in the yard issue this evening) suffice to say a history of the kids wouldn't stay out of my yard, which is much larger and less cluttered than his yard. They used my yard as a playground and I eventually put a stop to it due to liability concerns and IT'S MY DAMNED YARD.  

So about 10 years ago he comes to me and says he is going to park his passenger van in my driveway.  Not can he or may he but HE IS.  I said no you are not.  "Why?"  Because we need it, I told him.  He offered to mow my (tiny) front yard and I said no (he didn't mow his own yard).  No, I said, we need it for the wheelchair van.  

And he had a freaking tantrum, like a toddler, on my porch. In front of his kid. Very embarrassing.  That kid was the one blocking my driveway this morning. He is apparently a socialist if he "needs" something of mine it is his. 

Ride home went OK but hot at the bus stops. Made it home OK. Yard was mowed thank you to my volunteer yard man. Cats were hiding of course they hate yard day. 

I got both the care packages and the cards are great.  I also recruited Mom to help make some cards too. 

My stomach is bothering me but I got my pills down.  

That's it for now!  

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