Sunday, July 16, 2023

I think my sodium was low

 I am sweating a lot and drinking a lot of water.  That causes the body to lose salt.  ALSO I take a medication that causes my body to lose salt and my doctor has discussed this with me on several different occasions. 

I was also craving a cup of noodles which didn't make sense as it is very hot in the house and you would thing I would want a cold food. But I made it and I kept putting salt in it as it didn't "taste right".  Once I had it "right" (I am a big believer my body gives me clues) and it had cooled down I ate it.  

I didn't realize how lousy I felt until I ate it.  I feel a million times better and I probably had a good 3 grams of salt, total, in that thing.  So I'm going to eat more salt. 

I'm also going to get the Gatorade mix powder and alternate iced tea with Gatorade. 

The headache is gone as well.  


Anonymous said...

Good idea. It must be hot as hell in your house. When are you getting the AC fixed?

Heather Knits said...

Friday morning I hope. I want to go with the tried and proven AC guy.

I think it's around 95 in here.