Sunday, July 16, 2023

10 AM Sunday

 I'm degirling the house today, I had bras hanging up on the back of a door, into the dresser they go. Same with the cloth pads, I can't imagine anything a male repairman would find more horrifying than a cloth pad hanging up on the back of a door (It is convenient for drip drying), unless it was a menstrual cup sitting on the kitchen counter. So I got rid of those too (I had 2 I had to boil). 

The clothes are in the dryer. It is early enough the house shouldn't get too hot. Also ERCOT (our power agency) is begging people to go easy on the grid this week. I figure not a lot of people will be running their AC right now. 

The house is a little stuffy but not too bad. My next goal (I already did my God Time) is sweeping the floor that needs doing.  I am glad the yard guy was out last week so the repairman won't have a lot of "Bermuda-weeds" (Ron's term) growing around the unit out in the backyard. 

The cats are good.  For some reason Spotty is hanging out under my bed lately.  

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