Thursday, July 6, 2023

More details you dont want

 On my lunch.  Getting the hang of the cup with a heavy flow.  Told #1 gossip I was having a heavy cycle so that got to my boss.  She "had" to "let" me go to lunch, didn't she?  Not afraid to use gossip.

Work has been OK finally got some training on something they had been threatening to write me up over.  Only a few more hours tonight, tomorrow night "mean" boss is off so that will be better.  

Took an iron pill with my dinner and evening pills.  Hope my stomach is OK.  

That's it for now!


Anonymous said...

I would be livid if I was being threatened with a write up for not knowing something I had never been trained on smh this company sucks. Hopefully they built that gas station you keep talking about an u can get a job there

Heather Knits said...

They have the "X" management style, fear, intimidation, threatening. It comes from the top.

Ron was a Y management make the employees love you, this is a family not a job. He was a terrible husband but an excellent boss. When he was hurt our girls were weeping.

Yes they threatened to write me up and I had not been trained, they wouldn't even let me get a word in edgewise. Unfortunately as far as the boss goes her tactic "worked" as I am now "doing the job". But I simply lacked training and I was very loud about that yesterday (for me) saying I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DO THIS SHOW ME.

Heather Knits said...

Oh the gas station they razed the lot and put in a sewer connection and that has been it so far.