Sunday, July 9, 2023

Almost ready to go!

 I slept OK last night, cycle is about done so no worries about that today.  

I took my shower last night because I had washed all the bedding and I like to be clean when I get in it. That worked well I even was able to make the bed around "helpful" cats.  

The Bibles were done up last night I have around 60.  I try not to pay attention to how many because I believe it will be a stumbling block to ego. So how many I don't track.  Dad does like to know "How long" so I note that. Generally about 2 hours. 

And I am low on Bibles again. I have had sponsors send me Bibles and I tell them I'm out and they're like "Already?"  But "P" has sent more a couple times now (nice older married man) so I'm not worried about telling him.  My old church had told me "as many as you can use" which changed, in a few years, to "You will have to get them somewhere else" WHO SAYS THAT?!    I was going places, still go places, they COULD not they WOULD not.  But they're all perishing and going to hell!  

Oh well.  I need to do my hair, get dressed, get some water and head out. I am bringing $15 for snacks and drinks that should be plenty.  

That's it for now. 

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