Saturday, July 8, 2023

First thing Saturday

 This week the customers have just been awful; cursing me out, attitudes, etc. One guy last night I came THIS CLOSE to calling security on him.  

It reminded me of 2 Timothy Chapter 3

Some highlights: 

"But know this, that in the last days ...For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, .... unthankful, unholy, unloving, [b]unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God,"

Described them to a "T". They were particularly profane all week especially one older lady angry about a pack of gum of all things.  It was exhausting.  

The rest of my job wasn't bad I had no issues.  But that took a lot out of me.  And it will be getting crazier as we get closer to back to school. 

I did decide to treat myself to a pack of the small rubber bands for hair. I need something to "finish" my braid and wrapping and rewrapping the large hair tie is exhausting and I don't think it looks nice. So the small rubber bands will be nice for that. That is a 500 pack for $2 that will likely last me 2 years assuming I DON'T reuse the bands. That was my only big indulgence. 

I sat at a table and wrote "We're praying for you daily!" along with random Bible verses (God knows who needs what) on index cards.  One co worker asked me about it and I explained about the Bible Handouts and she kind of shrunk back like I was going to throw a Bible at her head. So I went back to it and she got up and left.  

About the "we" you will pray, please?  Please pray for the recipients to have an appetite to read the Bible/tract, to pursue God, to have a hunger for Bible study, to seek Him in prayer, to have a heart for the truth, His love in their hearts.  For their salvation and the salvation of their family and friends. Please this is very important.  

So I did the index cards on my lunch and went back to work. This morning I checked my schedule and it is the same, Monday to Wednesday days and Thursday and Friday nights. 

Oh and there was another woman at my lunch table.  After the first woman left she walked up to me and said "You are a Christian?"  I said yes. "So am I" and she left. 

I slept great in spite of the insane amounts of caffeine.  I attribute that to the Magnesium supplement. Well God did it and the Magnesium helped. Also my period is about done so that's a relief. That was crazy heavy for a couple days. 

Normal is about 30 ml for the whole thing.  I did somewhere around 110. Like I said I was pretty anemic in my teens and early 20's. 

I am not doing a Bible Handout today plan is tomorrow. I do plan to run to one grocery store and that's it. 

That's it for now! 


Anonymous said...

I don't really understand what the customers are yelling at you about. It makes no sense to me. Why don't you refer them to the customer service desk to complain? I go shopping and never see any customers yelling at any of the associates in the store. Ever.

Heather Knits said...

Well let me put it this way. Before 2020 I would have told you what I do for a living and it would make sense.

But someone decided to play God with my life and used the small amount of information she had at hand to try to make my life a living hell. I am living on what I make. I can't afford having someone make phone calls trying to ruin my life again.

So it will have to be a big question mark, what do I do in my job that gets me shouted at on the regular? One day God will show you and it will make sense until then there will be some obscurity.

Heather Knits said...

Maybe I work at the deli and they are mad we ran out of chicken. Maybe I work frozen-dairy and had to tell someone we don't carry their favorite ice cream. Maybe I work at the money center and told someone we can't accept a "photo" of a driver's license we have to have the real thing. Maybe I work at customer service and couldn't take a return. Maybe I work as a cashier and someone's credit card declined. Maybe I work at the door and had to turn away the lady who likes to bring in farm animals (no joke). Those are just a couple things people go off over.

And there are many people on duty at any given moment.

Anonymous said...

Do you work in the deli? No. I know that because you told the supermarket you couldn't work the slicer with your shaky hands. Customer Service desk? No. Cashier? No. A door greeter? Doubtful. Stocking the groceries yeah I can see that.

Heather Knits said...

Oh I could work a meat slicer I am just scared of them. I spent a lot of time at the hand surgeon's office with Ron trying to save function in his good hand (fairly successful).

As to the rest of it: point I was trying to make I could be doing any job. 99% of the jobs in the store involve at least some customer contact.