Sunday, July 23, 2023

Cat haters can skip this

 Spotty likes to go out at night and "cat around" come home before I leave, get some food and attention from me before I leave for work. He meows very loudly. I meow back, pet him, pick him up and hug him. Today he was so raucous I laid down in bed and he got on my chest purring. 

Biscuit, who very seldom leaves the house, was not happy,got up and began smacking Spotty. Have you heard those cat fights where they run all over and make a lot of racket?  It wasn't that it was more wrestling and smacking Spotty with Biscuit's ears back in the NOT HAPPY position.  But I could hear them flipping each other into the walls halfway through my shower. 

So I feel like I need to come up with a way to keep them both happy. Not sure how to do it. I will say it appears Biscuit has claimed my bed. 

Maybe I can take my nap in Ron's bed?  I'll see. 


Anonymous said...

I had two female cats do this. They suddenly started tumbling down a hallway in a loud ball of catfight until they got to the wall at the end of the hall. Then they would get up, stare at each other posing ridiculously, and bowl themselves back to the starting line. Repeat. Repeat. They did this for a while (a few weeks, off and on) and then got along fine. I guess they were just establishing a new set of boundaries. They lived happily together for years after that.

Cats are weird. Neither Biscuit or Spotty appear sick or wounded? They aren't marking their territory in your house are they?

Heather Knits said...

Oh no one's getting hurt and toilet manners are impeccable.

I did "catch" Spotty in Ron's bed so I laid down with him for a while last night and he seemed very happy.