Saturday, July 8, 2023

2 Bibles and 5 Scripture booklets

 Not a bad tally.  I took my handcart with the Free Bibles sign, wore the Free Bibles hat, and brought an assortment of Bibles.  I also brought bagged up candy and Scripture booklets for service providers.  

I had 3 bus drivers and 2 cashiers (one recognized me as the "Candy Lady" and flagged me down as I left the store, requesting a Bible, so I gave her some candy (very welcome, too) also).  

I went to my local grocery store.  There was some traffic at one point I had to walk alongside a line of very expensive cars lined up for a church's "Free Food" giveaway and concluded every single person in the line (I walked alongside the line of cars for some distance, going to my location) was both rich and greedy. 

My mission field in the bad neighborhoods I see salvage cars with one whole side crushed in, car window taped shut because the motor is bad, car window down in the middle of summer due to no A/C, terrible paint jobs, bumpers falling off, etc.  I didn't see any of that it was all shiny, late model, and expensive.  I spent a minute wondering what the venue would do if I showed up with my hand cart asking for food and concluded they would likely turn me away. It was sad.  

I did have a guy (not going to the dispersal) stop at a light and holler at me for a Bible, which he got.  Even better he asked where I got them so he could get more.  I told him (Lifeway and Church Source).  

I got to the grocery store.  There was a family blocking one aisle and the little girl said "Mommy!  Free Bibles!" and they fled like I had a torch in my hand. I thought it was funny and thought about Hebrews 4:12 (NKJV).  

I mainly bought candy to hand out, some drink mix, blackberries (on sale for $1 a carton) and some cheap (50 cents a pack) chicken hot dogs.  One coworker loves a mango chili tamarind gummy ($1.07 a bag) and another one expressed interest in trying some (and she is very sweet). 

I paid and went out to the bus stop.  I had bought both a cold drink for the bus driver and also a snickers bar.  The drink kept the chocolate from melting until the arrived.  She was quite happy to get "her lunch".  I have been told the bus drivers talk about me (all nice things apparently) and word may have gotten out about the "lunch" I hand out when picked up at the grocery store.  I also had a bag of candy with a Scripture booklet in there too. 

I feel bad for the drivers it is very hard work, the passengers are difficult, and they don't get proper breaks and lunches.  I would rather err on the side of "pampering" them and I feel like, if I am handing out Jesus,I had better be a freaking AWESOME person to boot. 

I have said this before, if I represent Him I need to represent.

If that means I eat chicken hot dogs for dinner that's fine. 

I talked to my aunt for a while (she is doing well) and took a nap with the cats.  I had a very nice cuddle with all 3 cats.  Cleo curls up in my arm now and also lets me kiss the top of her head.  All 3 are very friendly with each other as well as sweet and cuddly with me.  

I woke up with a vicious headache.  I took some Excedrin.  I plan to lie down again in a minute the worst of the headache is past.  But it is supposed to rain this afternoon so I think I'll be fine when that drops, if you'll pardon the pun.  

That's it for now. 


Anonymous said...

"I had to walk alongside a line of very expensive cars lined up for a church's "Free Food" giveaway and concluded every single person in the line (I walked alongside the line of cars for some distance, going to my location) was both rich and greedy. "

That's a really ignorant conclusion to form and quite judgemental. Maybe they bought their car and then had some unforseen financial difficulties. People can't always sell their car because they may be upside down in it or can't afford to buy another one since prices are so high. Maybe with financing their payment is only a few hundred dollars a month. People need their car to go to work, etc.

You don't know a persons situation so please do what your bible says and judge not lest you be judged. I would think you would understand that more than anyone.

Heather Knits said...

It is VERY hard for me to feel sorry for someone in a freshly detailed $70K vehicle. That's what I was saying, and it was just one after another after another as I walked down the road beside them. I kept looking for ONE piece of crap car and couldn't find a one. The oldest car I saw was about 3 years old. At least half had been professionally detailed in the last couple days, since the rain.

I also did not like the one car trying to run me over when the light changed for me and the line moved up for them.

I have worked among the truly poor and their vehicles DO NOT look like that. But it's the church's thing who they give the food too and they seem happy to hand it out. I just hope they put a tract or something in there at least.

Anonymous said...

You sound jealous. Have you seen the price of cars lately? In the past 3 years the costs have skyrocketed. Stop trying to recruit poor and destitute people into a religion where god does nothing and helps no one.

Heather Knits said...

Not going to post the comment but I do have a question, you think it is a bad idea to share my faith, which has brought me TREMENDOUS comfort, with the "poor and destitute"? Who needs it more? Even Jesus made a comment to that effect (Mark 2:17)

Everyone wants the Kardashian pelt on their wall. I want the gang banger. The hooker. The destitute and the hopeless; I want to share my faith and give them light and hope. I want "all sorts" at my table in heaven and one reason I do give material to the homeless I encounter.

That,I believe, is a good thing.

Sidenote I really don't care what people do with their money. Don't tell me how to spend mine.

Heather Knits said...

Also I don't believe in religion I believe in faith. Faith is a personal relationship between someone and Jesus/God. Religion is a rule book. And we are not saved by following rules!