Sunday, July 30, 2023

Sunday morning

 A thought on yesterday, it was pretty miserably hot and people (men) kept offering me bottles of water one guy said the bottle had his name written on it.  Of course the last thing I wanted was a drink but people kept telling me to drink up and stay hydrated which almost made me scream. It's funny now, though. 

I did briefly wish I had a male part so I could go behind a bush or something. I did drink a bottle of unsweet tea and a bottle of Gatorade while I was working.  

My parents are happy their youngest grandson is visiting.  He is about 16.  Seems like a nice kid Dad is helping him practice driving.  I won't hear much from them until he goes back home in a few weeks.  

Oh, I got the cards!  I am going to get an iced coffee before work on Monday and then go by the Burger King on my way to work Friday. That will be very nice. And I always appreciate the card I save them in a basket. 

Last week I bought some dog treats for $1 some fake bacon thing. I smell like cats so the dogs get upset when I walk by. And I throw a treat over the fence.  The idiots keep barking but I assume they find it eventually.  

Yesterday as I was leaving for the handout some guy was walking a little dog like a Maltese or something, some foo-foo $1K dog.  It was smaller than a cat and had a long flowing coat which had been groomed.  the pit bull next door (I call her Brandy) was going nuts barking at the wooden fence (in my experience pit bulls are dog aggressive).  The guy walked his dog up to the fence where it started jumping on the fence and barking back, the guy let it for a while but Brandy was going nuts and he got worried and picked it up (the foo-foo) and it bit him. Stupid. A big pit bull like Brandy gets a hold of your little dog and there will be nothing left for the emergency hospital. 

She doesn't even bark like that at my cats!  Of course I think my cats don't taunt her like that.  

I am glad she is OK I was worried about her for a while; she's in the corner house and I am a little worried about that.  Twice now in the last 5 years or so they have had a plumbing issue with the underground pipes, at one point we had a huge sink hole by the mailbox. It was about 20 feet deep with a broken pipe gushing water.  Ron was still pretty sharp at this point so he called the water district it took them about a week to fix (we still had water).  

A few years ago they had water leaking out of the yard running over the sidewalk (which made me worry about the sink hole again) and they had to get heavy equipment, dig all that up and fix it.  Looks like they will, again. It is getting worse so I will call the district on Monday.  

In the meantime I'm not walking over it I don't want to fall in. 

I'm going to lay down again for a bit. 

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