Thursday, July 13, 2023

More drama than I wanted

 I came out of the house this morning and met a very nice man carrying a cutoff notice for my water.  That was embarrassing. 

I tried to call - I only had a few hours - but the only credit card that could pay it ($92) was an AMEX and guess what they don't take.  I was desperate.

I figured I could go home and get the ride money, put that in my account or maybe go to the grocery store and pay at the counter.  But I needed rides for that.

I called Jack who picked me up at the bus stop.  We went home and got my bill and the cash.  The grocery store didn't do water bills any more but she took some candy with a tract.  That could be the whole reason for today.

My aunt transferred money to my checking so I was able to pay over the phone.  But that was awful.

Everyone today was really nice.  I mean every.  Single.  One.  So that was nice.  I need to organize my bill paying though.  


Anonymous said...

Obviously less focus on jesus and more on your actual life is in order. What is your problem? Why didn't you pay your water bill?

Heather Knits said...

I HAVE BRAIN DAMAGE. People tend to overlook that; but I make avoidable mistakes as a result. I just need to have a system. Most everything is an auto pay I may need to set that up for the water. I need to think about it and talk it over with my family.

My faith has nothing to do with it and the Bible says pay your debts.

Anonymous said...

Please don't use your brain damage as an excuse. You have been obsessed with bible handouts and have neglected your bill paying and your eating issues for a couple of months now. Your brain damage is mild since you were able to do all those reports for Ron, etc. Nice way to make excuses though. It's no big deal just get your own house in order before you start with the obsessive jesus stuff again.

Heather Knits said...

Its not an excuse just a fact. Planning and organizing is hard for me. I had a system for filing and paying reports with the business but plenty of drama I did not share like lost paperwork, ran out of checks, where are the stamps, etc.

"No big deal" for you but it can be for me. I will figure it out. Even my Handout stuff is not organized.

Anonymous said...

Heather, do us a favor and don't post comments that mock our savior. I'll have to quit reading it offends me so much.

Anonymous said...

Everyone was nice but the troll on your blog.

Heather Knits said...

You should see what I deleted just now. EVERY knee will bow.

Anonymous said...

I can only imagine. These demon infested people thrive on mocking God. From such, turn away.