Wednesday, July 12, 2023

So I admit something "stupid" I did a while back

 My store is big on meetings. They usually have the early meeting before I come in and then I take my break around 3 when they have the evening meeting. But when I came back the boss was saying "You're going to have us (her and the other team lead) tomorrow night"(meaning tonight).   If that is the case I will not have them in the morning, normally they work 7-4. So they are either working 11-8 or (please) 3-midnight.  We will see.  I am hoping for 3 but we'll see.  

And that is really sorry that I think that. And yes I have thought about another job but I figure I will have problems with any job. And I don't want to hop around from job to job. I want to do what God has for me.  I will say many good people have moved on through my department the last couple years.  

Basically this my be my cross to bear.  I believe I will face persecution and opposition from the enemy because I do evangelism. I believe some of that will come to my job no matter what job I do. Which is why I may seem indifferent. 

I get problems in a few ways, depression, other illness, accidents (!), financial issues (AC running at 5 AM today is not a good sign for the next bill!), loneliness, transportation issues, and job troubles with co workers or boss.  That's going to continue I believe.  

Also I will admit something.  Back in March my boss suffered a deep personal tragedy.  I got her a Christian themed card and had coworkers sign it. I got that to her. When she came back to work after a month she was having a very hard day one day almost crying and just really struck.  I had a Bible Promise book in my vest pocket which I gave her.  


She thanked me at the time but that is when the current difficulty started. Yes, it was "stupid" but I would probably do it again.  That's when she started making comments like "You're a very nice person BUT..."  

But I could not stand before the throne and tell God I left her without comfort. So I will take my lumps whatever they are.  I DO need to get better about praying for her and I think I will also ask God to show her my value as an employee. 

I had 3 customers just recently tell me they were calling the 800 # to put in a compliment for me.  Even if only one did she would get that. So we'll see. That would help a lot I think. 

She can get someone to do the technical aspects easily but someone with good customer service is a lot harder, someone who does actually care about the customer.  

I need to take my shower but I will be back. 


Anonymous said...

You worked in food service, try mcD? It's so easy.

Anonymous said...

Obviously if God wants you at Walmart that's where you should be for now, but I hope you will keep the prayer lines open with Him if He wants you to get another job. I know all jobs have their issues but your job sounds especially miserable with that particular boss. Borders on abuse.

Heather Knits said...

There is a McD not far from my house...oh it is definitely abusive. God can use trials to make us better people if we allow Him. She seems to be going the bitterness route instead.

Anonymous said...

I'm 65 and work Saturday mornings rolling burritos, prepping the cooler for the lunch condiments and dishes.
They're more than happy to have me. I used to clean the lobby too.
They pay me 12.50 in Michigan but more if you work a late shift. I also still work 40 hours at my desk job.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe God gets that involved in our lives unless we ask him for something specific.
He's not a cosmic micromanager.

Anonymous said...

I think transportation is your biggest problem you're exhausted and on edge by the time you get to work. Maybe God intended this job as a stepping stone to your first job into the workforce. You aren't stuck there, remember "choices."

Heather Knits said...

I believe God is interested/planning ALL details of my life I just have to be obedient to His leading.

Anonymous said...

I just can't get there. Do you have a verse?

Heather Knits said...

When I get home I will look some up.