Thursday, June 30, 2022

Thursday morning

I slept OK but dreading work for some reason today.  I'm going to get my shower and come back... 

Done I even remembered to do my upper lip treatment.  A lot of times I forget to do it at home and remember at work or on the bus.  I had a protein shake as well.  After I finish my treatment I need to do my God time, get dressed, do up the candy to hand out today.  

Work has some things that frustrate me hopefully those will be OK today.  I can only go in and find out.  The work app had a survey for me I was honest hope that doesn't get me into trouble.  

We may get some rain today on my way into work so I need to bring my jacket.  I was thinking to look for that can opener before work that will add some bulk if I buy it, but I can really use it, just a lot of stuff to haul home.  We will see.  I am pretty much done with manual can openers for now.  

Off to do my God Time.  Weight was up about 2 pounds this morning I ate OK so I am guessing this is just water weight and won't stress about it.  I am still at 203.  A couple weeks ago I was well over 211.  

I just remembered I need to make my tuna for today.  Salmon actually, but I splashed myself with the juice when I took the top off (pull tab).  I need to remember to make "tuna" before my shower, not after.  I did clean it up somewhat.  I put it in the fridge for a while I don't want it in my lunch bag yet because it will have a long day in the lunch bag.  

Plan is to buy a double cheeseburger for lunch (better hot) and have the salmon for my dinner.  The cats are good, Biscuit watched me fix my lunch but didn't beg, I think because he knows fish protein is bad for him.  Spotty was cute and cuddly (in his own way) during my God time and Cleo I am sure is in my bedroom looking out the back door.  

I need to go get dressed and do up the candy, that's it for now.  

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