Thursday, June 2, 2022

Thursday morning (my Monday)

I slept pretty well; I woke up a couple of times for water but not bad.  My medication causes a very serious dry mouth.  

I fed the last of the cat food out of the big bag.  So I plan to buy a bag of cat food at work if they have it.  It will be a hassle putting it up in the breakroom and taking it home but it will be available immediately.  But first I have to see if they have it.  The advantage to buying it at work it will be fresh and I get a 10% discount which is good, as the price for a 7 pound bag has gone up $4 recently.  But it works very well for Biscuit so I plan to keep feeding it.  If there are problems getting it at work I will buy it from Chewy.  Chewy is going to be cheaper, $50 for 32 pounds of cat food.  Walmart is $20 for 7.  But I will still try to see if I can get it at work just because I don't want to be dependent on a shipping/supply chain to get their food.  Work has done OK getting things on the shelf.  

Weight is still 209 I had done some cheats since the last time I weighed so happy to see that.  I fixed some oatmeal for breakfast I will have that after my shower.  

I am still a little ambiguous about lunch for the day.  I put some lentils in there which can make a pretty good meal for dinner, lunch I have two peanut butter sandwiches which I think will hold me.  I may buy some granola bars before work and stick one in my vest in case I get hungry.  I have a couple of guavas, a one ounce bag of chips, and some assorted other snacks to fill in the gaps on my last break, for instance.  

I recently got a new boss and she has a policy no one takes a break the last hour of their shift.  If you want that last break you take it 2-1 hours before the end of your shift (in my case, between 8 and 9), not the last part of your shift, which is unfortunate as I liked having the last break around 9 PM come back at 9:15, hammer out those last 45 minutes and go home.  So I have some snacks for then if I need them.  I am trying not to eat too much while still being full.  

I don't want to do full low carb right now as I do have symptoms when I switch over and I don't want that.  Also can I afford to eat all that meat?  I have some hot dogs cost me 75 cents would those work?  Questions like that.  I would like to eat some lemon wafers or a bag (one ounce) of chips now and then at work on my breaks and lunches, at the end of it so maybe just overall restriction of calories is the best route.  I know my doctor lost a ton of weight on a reduced calorie diet and kept it off.  I am still figuring this out.  

I don't, at this point, want to lose a lot of weight quickly.  Well the hot dogs went bad glad they were only 75 cents.  I need to get better at keeping an inventory of things with an expiration date, and I need to move that budget away from my desk here.  God is going to meet my needs, I just need to be smart about it.  Anyway I am still figuring out the weight loss but at least I am not gaining, and I have found more fiber is a good thing in my life.  

I did NOT cook up a pot of lentils yesterday as I usually do, I got a can of chili beans out of storage.  I can eat those with some cheese for a meal.  And I can buy more.  I don't know I want to use up a lot of gas heating up the beans cooking them and then the AC has to work harder, for something I can get for 75 cents off the shelf at work.  Last I saw we had plenty of canned beans, and I don't think it matters if I eat a canned bean vs. a dry one I cooked.  It is very hot right now and I am trying to keep the house cool, plus working a lot the next couple weeks and would rather not hassle with cooking or dishes if I can avoid it.  I will let you know how that works out.  I do try to eat some beans every day.  I think the fiber is better for my cholesterol, etc.  

I will come back.  Went on FB everyone is supporting "Pride".  One, the Bible says any pride is bad.  And TOS probably limit me saying more but you can imagine.  Any sin sends you to hell, peeps.  No one is good enough to earn their way to heaven; so faith in Him and working His plan for marriage, etc. is the way to go.  If you want to get married which I don't right now.  

So I need to take a shower, do my God Time, get dressed (that order), do up the candy.  I want to get a New Testament to the one driver so I need to have one on hand, and catch him today.  He runs later and I have ended up on the earlier bus lately.  Plan is I will catch the earlier bus and wait for him at the transit center as today is likely the last time I see him, he is a  nice man and I would like to give him the Bible.  I will need to check my bag and see if I have everything, I am pretty sure I have the vest for work, get my cell phone (have to have that for work), get all my "pocket" junk together like my stun gun, spare change, keys, etc.  But I have over 2 hours to do it all so not worried.

My cycle may be due tomorrow the timing is right but I didn't ovulate so who knows?  I will "rig up" anyway, I would rather "waste" some supplies on a day I don't need it then get a nasty surprise.  I have to figure I will be done with this pretty soon.  And I hear weight loss, for instance, is easier if you still have a cycle.  

NOW I'm going to go take my shower.   All done.  Problem with the support socks, they don't don easily when my legs are moist.  I dried them off but I sweated a little, I think, because I was hot and I had a terrible time getting them on.  I will have to figure out something else tomorrow.  

I called my aunt but she couldn't talk, she had 2 grand kids on deck.  That's why she moved out there, to be close to the kids and grand kids.  

My jeans are fitting looser which is great, and these were just washed so they're not stretched out from wear.  These are older jeans but they have great pockets so I like to wear them, and a classic style jean is pretty timeless.  These have a straight leg which is fine.  I am not really keen on skinny cut or crop jeans but everything else is good.  Back in the early 2000's I had a wide leg pair I really liked.  They were fitted down to the knee and then they flared out.  So that will be nice if I'm losing "inch"  I will have to measure tomorrow, I haven't measured in a couple of months.  

I had my oatmeal for breakfast that was pretty good (I like the maple flavor) I have fake peanut butter sandwiches for lunch and then lentils for dinner, with a side of pulled pork.  We sell little mylar pouches of meat at work already cooked and seasoned so I just stuck one in my bag if I get hungry.  Oh and I need to bring my medication.   Got that.  

I just checked the pants and they are a 22 so no surprise they are a little loose.  I don't plan to measure today.  

I hope I can convey this without blowing my privacy...when I go to work I go out and catch a bus going one direction, I ride one stop to a traffic light and cross.  Then I catch another bus going the opposite direction to the transit center.  From the transit center I catch my last bus.  

I have given New Testaments to all my regular drivers except my last driver.  I have been having problems with the #2 bus coming early and getting me to the transit center too early and getting me to work WAY early.  And I'm missing that last driver I normally got.  So I plan to wait, if necessary, at the transit center to catch him and hopefully God will bless this as I only have one more day to get him if I don't today.  

I also need to figure out medication refills on my 4th prescription.  That one is not optional and they screwed it up, wrote it for 3 x 1 month vs 90 days like all my others, and I missed it.  So now I have to fill it every month.  I am thinking put it in for refill today and then pick it up tomorrow before work?  I still have 2 weeks so not overly worried.  

That's it for now.  

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