Monday, June 6, 2022

I am starting to profile

It's always the white guy at the bus stop sets off my radar and not in a good way.  Actually, years ago, I was at the same bus stop reading my Bible waiting on the bus.  A young black man was also waiting.  He finally asked me what I was reading and I told him, the Bible.  He pulled out his own Bible and showed me.  We talked a little but that was it, and I shared my favorite verse with him  He actually looked it up and nodded.  

That's the kind of guy I like to meet at the bus stop.  Not some "loser" who is a fare-beater and bragging about it, very conspicuously did NOT mention a job, etc.  "I don't have any friends"  "I trespass on apartment properties to use swimming pools even though I am not a resident" etc. Didn't impress me ONE bit.  And it's always a white guy.  

I don't hate white guys but the ones who ride the bus (blows air, shakes head) are SOMETHING.  

Of course I am not riding the commuter rides and both my primary routes go through notorious areas.  

So I went out, caught my bus to the Burger King.  It was closed to walk ins.  Drive through only.  Also had a hiring sign up so I think it was a staffing thing.  I went to the dollar store for a snack, got a beef stick and a diet Pepsi (I drink those at work as Pepsi has the canned soda contract at the breakroom).  I also found some lunch meat, name brand, one pound for $2 which I thought was a pretty good deal.  

I rode to the transit center and caught the bus to my local grocery.  I got lunch meat (ham this time), a 3 pepper (it is pretty mild though) sausage link, 2 packages of hot dogs from Canada at 67 cents each (what meat did they use?! 😂), beef neckbones (finally going to try them), a frozen turkey chub (kept everything cold and I can always use more ground meat), 6 packages of store brand "lunchable" snacks at 3 for $1 (they are good, too, and only 25 carbs even with the dessert), bacon ends, and a big bag of kale.  I got a snack for later: a 1.5 ounce bag of sour cream rippled chips (my absolute favorite) and some lemonade mix (sugar free).  All that cost about $30 so I was happy, and not too heavy to carry home either.  

I met my friend at the bus stop to go home.  I had been rejoicing because someone had put in a very nice concrete bus bench so I could sit down.  I am still delighted about that.  I think the grocer did it because it doesn't look like the ones Metro uses.  And customers had been flipping over grocery carts and sitting on them.  

One woman at one of my other bus stops was talking to her friend about fat women in "booty shorts" and how they shouldn't she was so funny I almost peed myself laughing.  She was grinning at me as she spoke to her friend on the phone.  I gave her a bag of candy. 

When I left the house I got about a block away and went back to check if I locked the door, as I clearly remembered setting my bag down and watering but could not remember locking the door.  I had.  I got another block away and realized I didn't have my cell phone.  I had to go back again.  Biscuit was rather confused.  

At the transit center a dirty looking guy (someone else called him a crackhead) asked to borrow my phone and I said no, he hesitated before moving on (maybe thinking he could snatch it?).  I need to keep my phone and bus pass inside my shirt unless I am actively using them.  He kept approaching other women and tried to get on my bus as it idled (after I got on), she shut the door in his face and he moved on, she left the door shut unless someone approached clearly wanting to ride.  

Other than that it was pretty uneventful.  I did get a nap once I put my food/stuff away and had a couple of cats with me.  I had fed them at 5 AM so they were pretty hungry, especially Spotty.  I fed them again at 5 and he was happy.  I did spill some food on the floor but Cleo is good about eating that.  

Plan is tomorrow do some cooking and Wednesday do some cleaning and laundry.  I still have $9 left so not bad.  

That's it for now.  

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