Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Well I dragged my butt out of the house

 I got up, did my God Time, got on the computer for a while.  I decided to go out.  I would go to the Dollar store and then hit the Burger King next door with my gift cards.  

I had to wait quite a while on the one bus but I got up there eventually.  I went to the dollar store which was a big disappointment.  Example: the whole cookie aisle is now various saltines, and small boxes at that.  They did not have my candy but they did have my soap so I got that.  

I don't plan to go back for a long while.  

I did go to the BK and that was good, got a nice savory blast of charred meat as I walked up and thought about all the good times Ron and I had, going to Burger King together over the years.  It was a good memory.  Very easy to use the card and the meal was perfect.  I just got the burger and a drink I didn't need fries.  I thought it would be so awesome if they had a BK at work instead of a McDonald's.  So that was good.  

I brought along candy to hand out all my drivers (3) took it and one lady on the bus.  She always asks so I give her a bag.  She wasn't too excited about the booklet 😂 but she at least read most of it.  And it's not my job to save everyone my job's to distribute, what they do with it is up to them.  I like that I don't know my impact.  I would be such an arrogant bitch if I knew 59 people had been saved last year.  USELESS.  Much rather have it this way.  And I'll be happy with one person saved or at least turning back to God (you know we saved people can get distant from God at times).  I have heard people like getting the booklets so that is enough for now.  

I feel some pressure as all the routes are changing next week.  I only have these drivers for a little while so I want to reach out as much as possible while I can.  I haven't felt like this before.  

I came home and took a nap with Biscuit.  He was very cuddly, throwing a back leg over mine, spooning me, etc. it was very addictive and hard to get up let me tell you.  I am so pleased with him, he has done so well since his diagnosis.  FLUTD was a death sentence for my other 2 cats.  They did not live long at all and died miserable deaths, but he is up on the couch grooming himself 6 years later.  I remember he was just a few years old when he got sick but has done really well.  My vet was so pessimistic.  Told me I would have to think about putting him down and got the "bad outcome" talk (same one I got for Ron in the trauma ICU).  But God had other plans and I am sure happy I got to keep him.  I'm very fond of my Biscuit and nothing beats a nap with him.  

He went out, after, and came in.  His legs are dirty, he has white legs so it is very obvious.  What did he get into?  I don't know but he looks like he had a lot of fun doing it.  I just hope he is safe.  

About that: I built a catio some years ago and put animal fencing on it, good for goats and such.  My cats managed a jailbreak on the animal fencing.  So now I will have to do some sort of chain link?  I guess?  I am not sure.  I thought for sure the animal fencing would work.  When I do that I will tear out the old shelves and build some new ones for them to keep it interesting.  And I need to replace the door between the catio and the outside.  But that is the plan eventually.  I don't want them running loose it makes me anxious.  

Someone else is feeding them so I am sure the cats will be unhappy about that but I do want them safe.  It will also keep unwanted guests (other cats, possums, raccoons) out.  

I need to go through my bag and weed out anything that isn't necessary, then pack my non perishable lunch stuff into 4 bags (one for each work day) so I can pick up a bag and take it work each day.  I have cheese on wheat crackers, lemon wafers, tuna salad kids, roasted chickpeas, all good stuff to eat.  I just need to pack an appropriate amount of "snackage" for each day.  I already discussed my whole hunger thing and why I like to have more food than I need.  I just feel better knowing it is there.  

[Talk about bug infestations skip to +++ if you want to skip that]

I am glad I never got a locker at work, Monday they were popping all the locks at work and examining the contents, taking out one girl's period supplies (she was not present).  Oh I would have been upset at that.  Because I would have put some stuff in there for that, and some food things, headache pills, etc.  Now I just carry all that stuff around in my sack which anyone can examine but I feel it is probably more private than those lockers!  There is a horrendous bug problem in the break room, I could see them checking the lockers to make sure they didn't have old food bringing the roaches but they seemed to be looking for contraband.  

Happily I have not brought home the german roaches at work.  When I see a roach in my house (it is Texas and I don't have a bug man because of the cats, and money) it is a big "palmetto bug" type and easily whacked with a shoe.  I have bait but I think my kitchen trash is so delicious to them they ignore the bait.  I am considering taking out the kitchen trash every day and just putting it in small bags.  I can't think of a reason why I shouldn't.  I don't want to change the trash can for sentimental reasons because it came with the house and I remember Ron taking out the kitchen trash when he could.  He used to go on and on about "fluffy garbage" and mash it down as much as he could until he couldn't anymore, then take it out.  Otherwise (and there is also a space issue) I might just switch it out for a kitchen trash with a closed lid.  

Anyway I am sorry if I have revolted you.  Maybe I should put a warning.  

[++++++  OK to read now]

I am having problems with Windows 7 and the Metro bus website so I went ahead and texted them to send me a schedule.  They said it would take 1-2 weeks.  We'll see.  I asked before and never got the schedule so there must be a lot of moving parts.  I just want to make sure they are still coming at the same time.  I do not want to be late for work.  

I am not sure what I am going to do for dinner.  I had thought to get an extra burger at Burger King (I had a couple gift cards) but decided not to be greedy.  I have a loaf of bread and some peanut butter, I may make peanut butter and honey sandwiches.  That sounds good.  

Then I need to figure out the lunch-things and get that all lined up.  When I work a couple of long days I like to line up lunch bags, each bag has a day's worth of food, and I just need to pick up a lunch bag and throw it in my tote on the way out the door, knowing I have good things to eat for the day (In addition to the cold lunch I have in my insulated bag).  I am still figuring out "how much" food to eat to lose weight and still be pretty full most of the time.  It is looking like lower carb is going to be it for me but I have to figure that out.  I can't go low carb on work days because there's an adjustment.  Plus I have to eat up all the meat + rice entrees in the freezer (I am overrun) and then go buy more meat and cook it, do the dishes, etc.  

I'm getting tired just thinking about it.  That's it for now.  


Anonymous said...

I've was on low carb for over 5 years. IMO it enables one to overeat and not address the Biblical issue of gluttony. I'm still working on that, "everything in moderation".
It's hard to have self control.

Heather Knits said...

I need to work on convenience foods at any rate. Sometimes before work I get the 2 pack of donuts. They are delicious but they are not building health. What do I eat instead? NO idea.