Friday, June 10, 2022

Friday morning

It was hot getting to work but I had good transfers.  I got to work early which was good.  I went to the bank and got a little cash for weekly spending (I still had $9), went to McDonald's and got a double cheeseburger which actually worked on my eating plan, did a little shopping for candy to hand out, went to the pharmacy and got the medication I don't talk about, but need very much; paid for that, got a cold soda (diet), went to the breakroom.  Ate my double cheeseburger and had the soda.  

I had an experience while out on the sales floor.  I encountered a man I recognized but didn't know where.  I thought he was a postal worker.  He saw me and said Hi and we chatted a little, How's your husband, he's dead, etc.  Then he started checking me out (after hearing Ron had been dead over a year) kept looking at my hips and then up to my chest and hips again.  I guess he likes a meaty woman.  😂 I think he might have asked for my number but I made an excuse and bolted.  I completely panicked, I don't know how to deal with this sort of attention.  I was wearing a baggy performance t shirt and looser fitting jeans too.  I was happy to hide in the break room.  

I texted with my aunt a little, she has the virus and not feeling well but OK to be at home.  She has her boys, DIL's, etc. for support.  One adult son lives with her.  

I remembered I had not put my money into savings so I had to go back out to the bank and do that.  They were very nice and helpful.  I put $250 every pay period that has been working for now.  Then I went back to the breakroom.  

Work itself was OK I did it all.  Can't really talk about what I do because I don't want some joker making phone calls to corporate trying to get me in trouble.  But I did it.  

On the way home Jack said something had come up, he thought the event was Saturday but it was Friday night and he couldn't help me.  24 hours notice.  I was a little freaked out but didn't show it.  When I got home I texted the cab driver and he said he would be there.  Good.  If it is the inventory thing he did last year Jack made like $300 in one night so I'm not going to begrudge him that, and NO ONE HAS TO HELP ME.  They are doing me a FAVOR.  I remember that so I was very gracious to everyone.  But I did send a text message with money bags to the cab driver saying "We need to talk about this weekend when you get me Friday night" so he knows he's going to make some money.  I'm not above that.  😂😂

I got home and called Mom and Dad.  They are doing well.  Dad's friend had a son in trouble, he had PTSD and a lot of trouble after a couple of tours in the sandbox.  The son was really struggling, but has decided to go to the Ukraine and help out, and they are happy to have him.  He has some background checks coming but it is looking good for him to go, they will pay him too.  So everyone wins.  And he plans to stay there after.  Dad told me all about it in great detail.  

Today is going to be really hot so I need to prepare for that.  I plan to wear another performance t shirt and bring some electrolyte water (I put a little salt in regular water)

More later... Took my shower, had my breakfast.  Now to brush my teeth BEFORE I get dressed.   

Did that, ready to go.  Checked the mail!  Got my cards!  Also got a credit card offer in my "single" name.  Which I thought was odd as I haven't been Heather ___ in decades.  I threw it away.  I have 2 credit cards they should hold me.  Also got gas bill about $30, not bad as I have been doing some cooking and I like hot water in my shower.  I will pay that today.  

Did up candy, they didn't have much at work last night, just butterscotch and cinnamon.  (not together!)  I will look again.  I also need to get some female things not much though.  Cycle is weeks late.  I can see why a lot of menopausal women have a surprise pregnancy because the cycle is just so irregular.  The only person I can consult now about natural menopause (as in didn't get a hysterectomy) is very reticent about that sort of thing.  My birth mother is dead but complained of what I am going through, at the end.  

Anyway I don't have to worry about buying lunch.  😂 Which is nice as I was wanting a double cheeseburger.  I redid my macros on my tracker to 20% carbs, 25% protein, and 55% fat.  I think I could eat like that for a long time.  

Only problem today was some jerk standing in front of the mailbox sorting through his mail.  If I see someone waiting I move out of the way, he did not, so I went around and came up behind him to open my box, a major violation of personal space, but he got the message.  I have to go to work.  I don't have time to wait around while you decide whether to open your junk mail.  

So today get the gas bill paid, go to McDonald's, get my female supplies, get my candy, and then I am good for work.  I just want to make sure I have what I need when I get my "gift".  

Have not heard from my aunt last night or today, I hope she is OK.  

That's it for now.  

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