Saturday, June 25, 2022


 Yesterday was OK.  I had my 3 regular bus drivers.  One made a comment about me "stalking" him and gave the candy to a passenger.  I didn't mind because maybe that man was meant to have it all along.  The one driver was keto lady and I can't afford to hand out a meat snack 2x a week, sorry about that, so she didn't get anything.  The last one was a very nice driver and happy to get the New Testament with candy.  It was not fun waiting in the heat even my legs were sweating, but my compression socks did not make my legs hotter.  I could feel the tension in the socks but I wasn't smothered.  That was good to know as it was a long night on my feet.  

Work was OK my ongoing problem was fixed for a change.  Only for last night though.  I was able to do my job the way it was meant to be done so happy about that.  Co workers were nice had a "nicer" boss so that made things more pleasant.  I work hard regardless of who's in charge but some I prefer.  

I bought a jar of whey protein isolate before work, along with some of the stevia drink mix packets.  They all went in my bag.  My ground taco turkey + cheese + kidney beans concoction was pretty good and I am looking forward to eating more today.  It was nicely filling which I appreciate.  

I came home and texted my parents, had planned to go to bed right away but got delayed and went to bed a little later than I would have liked.  I wanted to do my dishes, for instance, if I don't do my dishes and they pile up that is a horrible mess on my day off (the little containers with screw on caps).  It needs to be washed again in hot soapy water but for now it doesn't have food particles in it.  

I also had a mess in my lunch bag, which reeked of rotting meat.  I finally figured that out, when I bought the frozen turkey chub from work it stayed in my lunch bag all day (it was fine it had an ice pack) but it thawed enough that it leaked turkey blood all over my lunch bag, which of course made a horrible reeking mess.  I had to wash all that out and soak it in some bleach solution to sterilize it.  So I had to do that before I went to bed as I am using the lunch bag today.  

Went to bed.  Kept waking up thinking I was late for work, that was unpleasant.  Finally got up, fed the cats, weighed myself, 204.2.  I am happy about that.  My eating plan is working for me.  Got the schedule, I am on there for 27 hours which is good.  Sometimes they do 20 hours which is a pinch.  Only 2 days off, though, but happy to get that.  I try to remain grateful for my job.  

I noticed my vest is fitting better, I got an XL when the new uniforms came in, instead of the 2X I had been wearing.  It was tight around my hips but less so, now.  I will measure and see if I am down from the 46 inches I have been stuck at for so long.  Nope still 46.  Ron always liked me with hips.  When I was a teenager a friend told me "Heather you have an ass like a tortilla" not sure if that was a compliment or not.  But I think I am losing some meat.  I deliberately chose a vest that was a little tight to remind me to eat smart at work.  

I tried on the new shorts they are still too tight.  I am apparently an 18W not just a regular 18 like I thought.  But that is OK.  I will be happy with whatever number it is as long as I am healthy.  And the shorts only cost $1 so no loss if I can't wear them for a while.  It is hot here 9 months of the year I will get to wear them sometime.  

I put my lunch in the tote bag.  I also logged breakfast and lunch in my food app so I don't have to do it later, also my activity like walking around with my tote bag, working, and some exercise bike later on when I call my parents.  That works pretty well, and Dad texted me yesterday he had gotten on the treadmill so hopefully I am inciting him to work out.  I just want him as healthy as possible.  It is really important to stay active.  If he can't get around that will be very bad for them both, she is about his age and can't do much for him physically.  

I have to go get ready, that's it for now.  

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