Monday, June 13, 2022

Monday morning

Well I do sleep better with a light workout on the exercise bike when I get home so I am sticking with that, at least on the days I work.  Days off I can do a more intense workout.  Did not wake up, good quality of sleep.  An intense workout I don't sleep well but this I do.  So I will keep it up and just putting it out there if you have some sort of exercise machine, or can take a light walk, after work you might try it.  Because I think most people have trouble sleeping.  

I have some sausage and cheese planned for lunch today.  That will be a nice change from the lentils which were literally making me gag yesterday.  It was awful getting them down, but I had to because I was hungry and I need food with my medication.  I plan to buy more sausage before work if possible and then have that to cook on Wednesday.  I don't plan to do anything tomorrow just sleep in and rot my brain with my fireman show.  

I am not necessarily a fire buff but my adoptive mom came from a family with a long history of firefighting and she used to talk about that proudly.  Her son and grandson followed the tradition.  So I find it interesting.  

Mom and Dad are on vacation and having a good time.  They had dinner out and said it cost $100, that is more than I made all day yesterday which I found funny.  I did not say that, I didn't want them to feel bad.  Dad worked hard for his money and deserves to enjoy it.  I hope they can spend it all eating out and taking vacations.  So many times the later years are just misery like they were for Ron.  Yes, he retired the last year or so but what kind of life did he have, bed bound and stuck in a diaper?  All he had was his vodka bottle.  

I do find it interesting he was legally drunk at the time he died.  I was very honest with the ME's office and I think they appreciated it.  And that of course led to alcohol being listed as secondary cause of death.  

I had a moderate headache when I got up so I took some Excedrin.  Then I drank some electrolyte mix and then made up a pot of green tea, decaf.  It really is decaf unlike a lot of products out there I have met.  I will chill it down and refrigerate it this morning and it will be waiting when I get home, that will be really nice.  Because I don't want a caffeine drink with me getting off after 8 PM.  That's just a bad idea, but I will be tired and frazzled, wanting a treat, I can remind myself I have this and be OK.  

I did not get my last break last night but I am not pitching a hissy fit over it, it is only the second time in over a year.  And it was an exceptional set of circumstances.  But I will make sure I get my second break tonight.  It should be a lot quieter anyway.  

Dad was really happy I plan to ask for Monday-Friday when I see him, I told him I will need one day for house things but 4 days is a lot better than he was hoping.  He was thrilled.  So I just need to see if God will allow me to get the time off.  They will be paying for everything so I don't need to worry about a hotel or anything.  I think I will just leave Biscuit as I think it would be more stressful for him at the vet away from his friends (Spotty and Cleo) than it would be to hang out in familiar surroundings at home.  I think that will be fun.  They want me to see the other kids which will be interesting.  They did a lot "better" than working at Walmart but were very nice to us at the family reunion in 2009.  And one of them sent me a gift card after Ron died which I thought was sweet.  

Weight is still steady but I am in my PMS stage.  Generally I will see a weight drop once I start my cycle.  I just need to eat intelligently up to that.  

That's it for now I am going to take my shower.   

That's all done.  I had some excitement yesterday when I was undressing.  I had been feeling a pinch/jab in my left foot as I walked around and figured I had let my left "ring toe" nail grow too long again, it cuts into the "middle toe" if I do that.  Normally it just pokes it a little bit but this time when I took my sock off there was blood.  I inspected and found a broken off toenail on the ring toe (good I didn't have to cut it) and a cut in the middle toe.  It was not bad but had bled some.  Poor foot!  Thank God I am not diabetic that is the kind of thing that could lose me a leg.  I didn't have antibiotic cream but I did use peroxide and then a little tea tree oil.  I washed it in the shower this morning and then put more tea tree oil, and a bandage.  I will baby it a few days and see how that goes.  Interestingly enough Dad mentioned he has the same problem so it may be a genetic thing or maybe this happens to everyone but no one talks about it?  Not sure.  Anyway I am confident it will heal up fine, I am eating low sugar and high protein so that's all I need.  

I took my wallet out of my pants pocket I feel uncomfortable taking it to work.  I took out enough money for my cab rides today so I am OK.  I have 2 more rides later this week and then I am "out" until I get paid again.  But I can take the bus on those other rides especially if I am only working 10-3.  I am bringing a lunch of 2 kinds of sauteed ground sausage with shredded cheddar cheese.  It will be very filling and I anticipate I will not finish it all.  And I just remembered I haven't done up my pills for the day.  

That's done.  I need to do up bags of them like a pill pack when I work a lot of long hours and then I can just grab a pack and throw it in my lunch bag.  I will get it.  

Yesterday I got some Mac's Cheddar pork rinds.  They were very good I would give them an 8 on a 1-10 scale.  My Walmart has them, yours might.  I know I am not the only low carber and it might be a good fix if you are wanting cheetos or something.  

Yesterday I met a very nice postal worker who asked me how Ron was doing, I told him Ron was dead, but "I know where he is, and he was in a lot of pain before he died".  I try to keep it positive.  As much as I can telling someone he's dead.  They are always so taken aback, I think because he was so young (60's).  He was a train wreck but he was not "sick" last they knew.  So it hits them.  But I have seen a lot of Postal Workers at work, and some Metrolift drivers too.  

Work should be OK today no one got paid and it is a Monday so most everyone will be at work.  Not my work, I hope.  I have plenty to do even if it is slow.  

I will sure be glad to walk out of there tonight and get my 2 days off.  That's it for now.  

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