Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Tuesday morning

Well I slept OK.  Woke up after about 8 hours on my own.  Checked blood sugar it is about 20 points below what has been my normal which is great.  It is usually "high normal" if it makes sense (110-120) today it was 99 which is definitely the right direction.  

I could do a lot of blogs about the uncontrolled diabetics I met on paratransit and how bad they were.  I definitely do not want that in my diet.  Once you start having that sort of damage it is very difficult to reverse.  

So that was good news.  Now let me check my blood pressure.  Took me a minute to find the meter I don't normally check it.  I bought it because people kept telling me my headaches could be due to high blood pressure.  From what I have been able to figure out they are more related to food and hormones.  It is a little awkward when my Dad asks me what I thought my trigger was, I can't exactly say "Well I started my period".  I made an oblique reference to it once and Dad was like "You're still fertile?"  😂  It would have been very funny if it hadn't been so awkward.  I never once thought to check Ron's blood pressure as it was always  better than mine, until it wasn't.  

I need to clean off my kitchen table I have everything from caffeine pills to room freshener spray.  I also have all my prescriptions.  I just happened to have them on the table the last time Ron fell and the paramedic really liked having them all lined up, he said it was very convenient and to leave them there when they finished.  So I did.  Medical Examiner liked having them too.  So I figure it is a good thing for me.  Of course I wouldn't do that if I had kids in here.  

122/73 not ideal.  But heart rate is 58 which is good.  Shows I am getting my exercise happy about that.  That is the nice thing about my life I do a lot of walking around carrying my bag.  So I am exercising every day pretty much.  

Really nice not to have the headache or the depression.  It seems like last year my big challenge was depression on my day off, I'd be OK during my work but on my days off I was a wreck.  This year seems to be sick/headache on my day off which I am hoping to end with a good diet.  I just need to figure out the diet.  

My grocery budget is pretty small I had to buy those roach baits but I am sure God will lead me to good deals.  I was looking at Nextdoor just now and it is all a bunch of begging posts from people asking for money and people giving away cats.  Never give away a cat, evil people will take them to either 1.  Torture or 2.  Use as bait animals in dog fighting ring.  Both horrible ends for the cat.  If I had to I would charge at least $100 an animal but ideally go with a rescue who would vet the adopter.  

I have no doubt Spotty could get adopted but I have my doubts about the other 2.  No one wants a cat with a medical condition (sorry Biscuit) and no one wants a fearful cat (sorry, Cleo).  But Spotty is outgoing and cute he would be OK.  But happily I do get to keep them for now.  I did feel really bad for the two tabby males whose owner just died.  

I decided to heat up some cooked, frozen, sausage for breakfast.  Breakfast is actually a big problem for me I can never figure out what I want.  One thing I plan to do at the grocery store is really look around and see what options I would work for breakfast.  I cannot continue to do my donuts that isn't going to work.  Even though they are filling....

Embarrassed to admit I have trouble frying eggs.  At some point I plan to get one of those copper skillets with a lid apparently you put a lid on the fried egg while it is cooking.  But I hear eggs are going up so it may not be feasible to have them for breakfast every day.  

I will figure it out.  I do have the packet oatmeal but that is a little too spendy for carbs and it doesn't stick around for long.  It's very good but I get hungry quick.  That kind of contradicts the point of having a filling breakfast.  Maybe lentils... I will figure it out.  Lentils always keep me full for a while.  

I get paid tomorrow so theoretically I could wait to do my shopping until then, but I budget from Wed-forward.  So the, say, $40 I have in my pocket now is today's money.  The $40 I budget for myself from my pay comes out tomorrow is next weeks' money and goes a week until next Tuesday, then that next Wednesday I get the other $40.  Works better for me than "Here's a big 😂 chunk of cash to blow in a couple of days" which I HAVE done in the past especially before my diagnosis.  Works for me.  

I am a little uncertain how much I actually get as I worked additional hours so I am going to run the budget from that.  Certain things I need to pay, "escrow" (insurance and taxes), save some towards electric bill (ideally $100), etc. but I resolved to stop stressing about my budget and only think about it once a week which is tomorrow.  So I will let you know how that goes.  I do want to put an extra $20 on my bus card it could use it, I like to keep the balance around $60 and it is about $40 last I checked.  

First I need to take a shower, do my God Time.  Go do my thing on the bus.  It is a little complicated as I take an extra step if I am going one direction on the bus, I ride the bus the other way down one stop and cross at a traffic light (better odds), wait on the bus going toward my destination.  It adds another half hour but I really don't want to cross the street just running out into traffic....very nerve wracking.  Also the cars don't have a good line of sight to me and most importantly I don't have a line of sight to them.  NOT safe I can spend the extra half hour to be safer.  This way if I get run over at least I tried to be safe.  Coming home is not a problem I get dropped literally right at the subdivision I just need to walk home.  

And all that walking carrying groceries is good for me.  I choose to view it that way.  

So that's the plan.  That's it for now.  


Hungry (sausage did not stick around for long) and unmotivated.  I need to get going if I want to beat the heat.  I think I will have a protein shake.  

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