Tuesday, June 28, 2022

My evil plan is working

I had a pretty good nap and put my shoes by the bed before I laid down.  Plan was to use exercise bike when I got up.  And it worked.  

Dad told me he worked out yesterday so I had told him I would work out today if he did, and I'm not going to be a liar.  So we can incite each other to it, God knows we can both stand to work out, him for mobility/strength and me for weight and overall health.  I hoped it would work never dreamed it would work this well.  At the end of it I am a Daddy's girl and want to get his approval.  

I know Dad thinks I will remarry I am not sure of that and OK with living alone the rest of my life, me and my cats.  It wouldn't be fair to crate a dog the times I am gone because I can be gone for up to 12 hours for work sometimes.   

I woke up from the nap craving pancakes.  I have a little pancake griddle so I got out the mix, fired up the griddle, and made 1/2 cup of mix which equalled out to 2 modest pancakes.  They were nice and fluffy.  They did spike my blood sugar (used sugar free syrup), so I ate some of my ham ends later.  

Talked to my parents they are doing well.  They ate out the other day so they have nice leftovers.  Dad is pretty good with portion control.  That's good to know.  

It is hot and sunny out so I am spending time inside.  The pancakes did not blow my carb budget for the day really happy about that, and I ate them after I worked out which is the best time to do that.   

I am pretty tired, just waiting for my linens to dry so I can put pillow cases on the bed.  That's it for now.  


Anonymous said...

Works for me to eat Eggs, cheese and chicken salad at work. My evening meal is anything I want in moderation. No guilt!

Heather Knits said...

Comment I didn't publish, I agree with your assessment but I can't publish it. Dad was worried about me suiciding when I met Ron as I had gotten very bad news about not graduating from high school. I took it very badly and Ron was the only one who could cheer me up as he also graduated late due to back trouble (which would later render him an invalid). By the time Dad pulled the plug on that it was too late I was deep in love (up to my neck in it!) and NOT giving him up, which I didn't do for a good 30 years, come to think.

All told no regrets with Ron I had to learn to set boundaries which I eventually did. That has helped me a lot in my work life.

I think a moderation plan, if you can pull it off, is the best that way there is no one wrong thing except maybe the emotional support frosting tub!

Anonymous said...

Today I'm seeing that lump in my neck that panicked me about 20 years ago. Turns out it was my collar bone lol.
Low carb rocks!