Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Wednesday noon

I had a nice time on the exercise bike, moderate effort.  Let me see.  

I sent this to my Dad: 

I am trying to motivate him to work out but he's tricky, he'll balk if I'm too naggy so I have to have a light touch.  So I just sent him the image and will leave it up to him.  

I did my God time (forget if I did it before or after) and glad I did that.  I took my antidepressant and some aspirin as I was working on a headache.  I am also awash in PMS bloat and the scale shows it.  Certain body parts are very tender, not fun at all.  Ron used to love the bloat but not fun to be handled!  Even washing up!  

I got in the shower and did that.  I took my time, exfoliated, and used cool water at the end which I like in the summer.  I also shaved my legs which needed it.  The vending business I wore bermuda shorts every day so I had to shave regularly, long jeans at Walmart means I don't.  And I don't have anyone handling me at home so it doesn't matter.  But I did get it.  

So that's good.  I used my Irish Spring deodorant and will see how that holds up today.  Then I may use it for work.  The Secret; or the Arm and Hammer Ultra Max, are both good for riding to work in the heat, standing at suffocatingly hot bus stops, and then stress and activity at work.  So I use those on work days.  Those deodorants deserve a prop so I will give it.  I may just use the Irish Spring (which I'm sure is a fine deodorant) on my day off.  I stashed a little deodorant some time back very heavy on the Arm and Hammer so glad that works.  

Ron couldn't abide fragrance on me at the end.  Not even scented deodorant or some bath soaps (Dove Pink he almost had a seizure smelling that), much less perfume.  

I wore some perfumes right after Ron died, the Patchouli Lavender being one.  I liked it a lot and found it comforting.  But I can't wear it now or it takes me back.  Same with Bath and Body works Rose fragrance products, I had some hand lotion.  I do have some Bath and Body works vanilla that is fine.  

I do have some perfumes, a fake version of "Red" and a fake version of "Giorgio" being the primaries.  I like those and use them fairly often.  I like the idea of perfume but have to be careful with it around depression or I get depressed next time I wear it.  

I decided I am going to take my gift card to work tomorrow and get a lunch at McDonald's.  I find I don't want the fries I just want the burger and I can do that on my eating plan.  I will being a backup meal just in case, I told you I have a thing about being hungry.  

That was the big appeal of low carb for me, I wouldn't be hungry.  

Headache is better; aspirin worked.  I like not using "big guns" on a headache if I can avoid it.  That's it for now.  


Anonymous said...

Stop trying to get your dad to exercise. He knows what he needs to do and if he wants to he will if he doesn't he won't. Imagine if he kept sending you texts of healthy food to get you to stop eating junk. Annoying.

Heather Knits said...

I was asked by 2 other family members to 'help motivate" him. :)

Anonymous said...

Let it go. Let those family members motivate him. All you are going to do is annoy him and yes you are being a nag. Your dad is 80 he is going to die soon anyway. Let him live his life the way he wants.

Anonymous said...

I think you're doing it the right way. You're not getting any space you're just keeping up light and letting him know you're supporting him and you're trying to get healthier too.

Heather Knits said...

It goes to quality of life. I saw it with Ron, once mobility goes you have many, many problems including fun ones like "Will I make it to the bathroom in time?" "Can I get out of bed today?' and Dad's current problem "Getting up out of my chair". He can maintain or improve what he has, or he can deteriorate and end up on a walker at best. My adoptive mom is very thin and petite, about his age, there will be little she can do to help him if he ends up like Ron did.

I only make one comment/text a day I don't think that is excessive. I do wonder if I had done more pushing with Ron would he have had a better end of his life?