Sunday, June 19, 2022

Sunday morning

Probably the worst place I ever lived was the closest to work.  It was a real dump, boarded up apartments, drug dealers, etc.  I told the landlady I had witnessed drug dealing on the property and got a lecture about snitching.  After that I kept my head down.  

We lived on the third floor.  I actually liked it even though it was a hassle bringing up the groceries (no elevator of course).  The stairs rattled when we went up or down it was challenging.  

Anyway the woman across the hall was struggling, early 20's, had 5 kids under the age of 10.  I found out later she grew up in foster care, her sister had died leaving 4 children while she was pregnant.  She didn't want the kids in the system so she took them but she had constant problems with CPS coming by and doing inspections, etc. didn't have good parenting skills, etc.  She had her baby and the other kids resented him because he was the "real" child and one of the nieces used to hit him over the head with various toys, etc.  She had taken some mandatory parenting classes but we would hear her beating the kids sometimes.  CPS was already involved.  She used to throw dirty diapers on the roof of the townhouse building next door to us, several times a day she would step out and fling that dirty diaper... they piled up on the roof.  

One night she came to me with the crying baby in the middle of the night.  She said "I've seen you with the cat, you are good people.  Here, YOU take him for a while."  So I did.  He was a cute little booger.  I had worked in the church nursery and I burped him.  He felt much better after he spit up a little.  Ron was terrified I was going to keep the baby 😂 or want one of my own.  She came back after about an hour and asked me back to her place.  She had beds all over the floor for the kids to sleep and was very stressed, that's when she told me about the other kids targeting him and that the girl had hit him over the head, again, she had been at her limit and remembered her parenting classes.  I commiserated with her but I have always wondered how they turned out.  The baby is a grown man now.  

So I am happy #6 seems to be a loving, stable, father.  I really am.  He seems to value and respect his wife from what I see as well, a good example for all.  But WHY the parties late at night when I have to get up at 3 AM?  Why couldn't he celebrate Father's Day in the middle of the day on Sunday like normal people?  Why Saturday night?  

And, yes, I know normal people have fun on Saturday night, but I work retail.  I work some really odd hours.  I go out of my way to be quiet, example, now.  I am listening to music but the volume level is 5, not 80.  I can barely hear it, much less my neighbors.  Because I want to be respectful.  

My real problem the party zone next door is right next to my bedroom wall so I am in the thick of it.  It kept getting quiet and I would go to sleep, then noisy again.  So I didn't move.  But they were going well after 11, which, again, is their right to do so I just feel a little aggrieved.  

Thank you for letting me vent.  I was reading about life in the country, apparently people just let their dogs run loose wherever and there is nothing you can do about it unless they attack you or your livestock.  And a lot of meth production out there too.  So I don't want that even if I could drive.  

I had a caffeine drink.  I have an issue with visitors in the kitchen I need to do a deep clean and get some bait.  If that doesn't work I will get a bug man out, something that is safe for cats.  The bug on the counter seemed very annoyed I had turned the light on when I went in there.  ICK ICK.  I will get it.  I will look at work for some baits even though I am embarrassed to buy that on my discount card, I will because I am cheap and 10% is 10%.  I only have $40 to get me though the week so I had better be frugal.  

I need to figure out breakfast, something that will stick around for a while because I won't eat my "before work snack" until 8-9 AM and it is only 4.  

I am going to take my shower.  Oh, I also took one of my mega B vitamins so that should help with energy too.   I also made some oatmeal and had a protein shake.  

I also did my upper lip treatment I am trying to do that once a week.  I think it's just a fact of life for women in their 40's.  I don't think it will be as much of an issue as I get older even though there was a notorious customer on Metrolift.  All Ron had to do was say "The woman with the mustache" and they would say her name.  And she was at least 70.  But maybe she is taking estrogen and that feeds it, I don't know.  

I had better get dressed.   All done now.  Ready to go.  

Here's to hoping it was a good day.  By the way Biscuit came back covered in gray stuff again I think he might be getting into BBQ's.  That's it for now.  

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