Thursday, June 16, 2022

Thursday morning

I slept OK but woke up in the middle of the night, thirsty.  Blood sugar is OK so it's not that.  I think I need to keep some water by the bed.  

Got up after hitting the snooze a few times.  The cats were annoyed I slept in but were patient.  

I didn't have any bad dreams that I remember.  

Not hungry but need to eat before I leave the house today.  I also need to take my pills.  

I am reminding myself today is just one day.  I can do that.  I was talking to a guy who was a former Walmart manager he had some interesting things to say about the company.  He didn't say it but the Walmart family tends to attract a broad range of people who would normally never otherwise "associate" (if you will forgive a pun).  It sounds like there is a lot of pressure on the managers I am glad I don't have that.  I have pressure but nothing like that.  

I did my budget for the next pay period.  Let me be clear I am not asking for money; I'm just sharing what I am working with and figuring out how to make good choices about that.  

Oh, before I get into that Dad told me he would give me $100 if I can drop below 200 for at least a week.  That is a good motivator!  Lose some weight or work 8 hours!  Dad does not know about my budget but he is not stupid, I work part time at Walmart.  Even with a paid off house I am going to have a lot of bills.  

So I started out with almost $700.  Sounds good.  Have to take out $180 to pay back the rides I took (I took the money out of my tax refund but need to put it back).  Then the $250 I need to use for escrow (taxes and insurance).  You get the idea.  I have money left for groceries but I will not be livin' large that's for sure.  That was a little discouraging.  

But I really think it doesn't matter because I believe the rapture is imminent.  I don't think I'll be sitting at this chair 30 years from now talking to you.  

I caught up on most of the laundry which is good.  I finally washed the white jeans a second time.  They have a very small spot on a back pocket (covered by my vest) that did not come out (it is a gray spot not something else).  Depending on cycle I may wear them with a red t shirt and my blue vest on July 4th.  I think that would be cute.  

I need to take a shower.   I did that, the toilet was horrible so I did that too, and did my upper lip treatment after the shower.  I need to come up with a day to do the upper lip, like Monday and then just do it every week.  I will figure it out.  

I also used my "new" generic version Fructis shampoo with some leftover "real" Fructis conditioner.  If the generic works as well as the name brand I will be a happy woman.  The system works well for me and I get a lot of compliments from my aunt when I use it.  I put my hair up when I go out so they can't really see it at work or on the bus and I don't want bus riders giving me compliments anyway.  

I need to do my God time and then get dressed, I have a new pair of jeans to wear for today.  Well I didn't wear them recently so "new" as in "pockets have to be loaded".  I am also weeks past when my cycle is due.  So I have to wear something for that because guaranteed I don't I will have a problem.  Now I do work at a Walmart so I would cope but rather not.  I think I may have it next week because I am pretty sure I ovulated last week... period math.  One reason I am reluctant to wear the white jeans.  

Anyway I had better get on that.   All done just waiting to walk out.  Confirmed my ride for tonight, have the cash to pay for that.  Candy to hand out.  

That's it for now.  

Oh, by the way I found $10 more than I expected in my wallet!  

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