Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Wednesday morning

 I slept OK.  Woke up a couple of times thirsty.  

I had gotten down to 205, then it went up to 207, and then right before my cycle it went up to 211.  Now it is back down to 207 so that is good although I still have some water retention.  Maybe that is the other 2 pounds?  

I will say I have a tendency to obsess over scale numbers so I only weigh one time a day.  It's my last day off for a week I am trying to get things done and have a good time all together.  

Spotty just came and used the litter box, though.  Whew that is potent.  Good thing I never eat in the morning on my day off.  I found it interesting Dad said he doesn't eat in the morning either.  I am running the dryer it's about the only time of day I feel comfortable doing that in the summer.  I just have the basic weekly clothes in there so no big deal.  

Biscuit spooked a little when I walked past.  The cats used to have a lot of trouble with that.  They would lay in front of me and Ron, confident we would avoid them.  Ron would run them over.  He'd feel terrible about it but he always ran them over.  Then the cats avoided both of us.  Gradually the cats would figure out I would not get them but Ron would.  Torbie, the treat whore, would actually run in front of Ron to get run over because he always felt bad and gave her lots of treats.  😂  She stopped when I told Ron to stop giving her treats when he ran her over.  So Biscuit reverted back to "Heather will step on me" for a brief moment.  Even though I never have, and sometimes they don't make it easy.  I sure hope the next guy is not limited on his walking or blind because the cats would have to learn it all over again.  

After I finish the laundry (mainly hanging it up when it dries) I need to sweep the floors and ideally mop them.  Clean litter boxes.  Do the kitchen, dishes, and then cook for the week.  I am still not sure what I am cooking but I will figure something out.  I have enough money left over from last week's budget I can buy Mc Donald's tomorrow at work which sounds good.  I also need to clean the bathroom but not the toilet, I already did the toilet.  And have some fun in there. Not fun in the toilet of course.  

Let's look at my budget.  Well, transportation ate up half of it; rides.  It is a paradox the more I work the less money I make as I am paying for rides to/from.  If I am working 9 hours the last thing I want to do is ride the bus 2 hours each way to/from on top of that.  Or my favorite: work until 10 PM Friday night but start at 10 AM Saturday.  It is legal for an employer to do this but it is hard on someone who rides the bus.  I wouldn't get much sleep if I rode the bus in on Saturday so I get a ride.  So, anyway, lots of rides... the ones I took the last 2 weeks and then the ones I am going to be taking the next 2 weeks.  I really try to preserve what I have saved so that means a pinch the next couple weeks.  God always helps.  

It does mean at the end of it I have $100 "fun" money to split between two weeks so that is good.  I can finally put a $20 on my bus card I have been WANTING to do that for a while.  😂  Mature people problems.  Unfortunately the Burger King is out for now they are doing construction all around it.  So I may, my next 3 days off, ride the bus the other way I know there is a Burger King that way.  It won't be much more effort than a regular trip.  

I really need to sweep the floor it is gritty and disgusting.  I think I will do that now.  That's it for now.  

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