Saturday, June 25, 2022


One of my emojis in my phone reminded me of something from my childhood.  The school used to have safety talks.  The fireman scared me so much I had nightmares and I was exempted from all fire safety talks from that point onward.  Anyway this time they were talking about all the chemicals Mom keeps under the sink, don't touch it.  Then they put up a slide of a green face making a yuck expression.  Mr. Yuck they called him.  And they handed out stickers to go home and Mom was supposed to put Mr Yuck on all the toxic chemicals so we wouldn't drink them.  

My parents had a different take on that.  They said "If you ever touch these chemicals we will spank you" and we never did.  It's funny how that took me back.  

Work was fine.  The other day the guy I mentioned with the temper problem said something along the lines of "Walmart employees are not allowed to have a blog" which is BS of course we can.  We can't post pictures or video of the customers, I am sure they don't want us talking about trade policies.  You have seen what I write it is more what I did on the way to and from than what I actually do.  You don't even know what I do.  So I think I am fine.  

But I guess he googled me unfortunately one of the work apps does give first and last names.  And as far as I know I'm the only (me) in the country.  It's me and the other one.  You can see the go fund me from last year, and some of the other Heather's stuff like her Linked in (cashier), and pintrest.  She also remarried.  But she does the same thing I would do if I remarried.  Heather [current last name] [new last name] instead of just dropping Ron's name.  So much we went through to get married I will share it one day, I'm not tossing that name unless I end up in witness protection.  

So not very notable but I did check out the pork rinds on the way out.  They have 3 that look really good in addition to a wide spread of hot varieties and some plain.  Salt and Pepper (loved that last time I tried it), BBQ, and the Cheddar that I just got a few weeks ago.  I am really thinking about grabbing a few bags to take home on my day off.  A lot better to sit around munching pork rinds.  I'm thinking about it...we'll see.  Budget still has about $40 left for the week.  Pretty sure my discount applies...

I always say "This week I will just focus on eating up the stuff in my freezer" and I never do but maybe this is the week.  That would save me some money, too.  We will see.  It's the paradox I am more likely to be strict on my diet if I am losing vs. maintaining.  

Yeah I'm going to get the pork rinds.  Oink oink.  I could eat pig every day.  

Long ride home on the bus and a lady kept hassling me on the last bus, wanted money.  I kept telling her "I can't help you" and I meant that on a couple of levels.  She wouldn't hear it so the driver had to get on the PA and threaten to throw her off if she didn't leave me alone.  But we were about at my stop anyway so I got off quickly and he shut the door immediately and drove off so she couldn't chase me.  A guy with dreadlocks had gotten off but these were "tight" I think they call it very well maintained not the homeless look.  And he went into one of the nicer homes in the subdivision.  I went home, took off my work clothes and put on my workout clothes.  Then I did 25 minutes on the bike.  Very pleased with that.  Mom and Dad are at a grandson's birthday dinner (he's in his 20's, the first one) and will call me later.  

You might think why wouldn't I just skip the call tonight?  Tomorrow is not promised.  One thing that really bothers me I can't remember the last time I kissed Ron.  But that last phone call and getting to say I love you meant a lot to me.  So I will stay up.  

That's it for now.   

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