Monday, June 20, 2022

Very early Monday

 If I were a spiteful, worldly, person I would be cranking my music now at 3 AM and wake #6 up.  But I am not.  

So I left the house at 6:15 so I could catch my buses and get to work around 8:15-8:30.  I was quiet and it was pretty uneventful, ride up to bus stop, cross street, wait a while, catch second bus to transit center.  My "new" bus drivers like the candy and are very appreciative which makes it fun.  I got on my last bus.  There was a young man with a garbage bag followed me from the other bus demanding I "help" him "because I'm from New Orleans".  

I like the city of New Orleans just fine.  I spent tourist money there just this year, stayed in a very nice hotel and had some good meals.  I liked Bourbon street just fine and enjoyed the historic parts of the city.  But I am sick of entitled people from New Orleans showing up in Houston.  They will, it seems, NEVER forget Houston threw open it's doors for them during Katrina and took in tens of thousands of refugees.  Worse yet, they expect us to provide for all their needs.  Hello, people, the hurricane was 17 years ago.  You don't get to live on it forever.  

So the young man was "You HAVE to this, you HAVE to that..." I don't have to do anything but go to work today and I made that clear to him.  I did direct him to the proper bus and that was it.  He and his garbage bag got on without paying 'I'm from New Orleans" and sat down.  We finally got rid of him at another transit center.  We rode about 5 minutes and were flagged down at a notorious bus stop by another homeless person.  This was an older man with a walker and a very baggy pair of pants.  He got on OK clutching the pants with one hand and then hobbling along with the walker on the other.  The stench was horrific.  He took one hand off his pants while standing up and his pants fell down around his ankles, and he was not wearing underwear.  I managed to avert my eyes in time.  

Bus driver: SIT DOWN!  I could hear her gagging from the stench.  Of course he wanted to get off at my Walmart.  I couldn't help but wonder about the policy if someone like that wants to use the fitting room, because he would ruin any clothes he touched.  

I went to the bathroom and discovered I had gotten my gift.  Happily I was prepared for it so it wasn't too hard to manage.  Thinking about it I was happy about the timing.  Day one is generally never bad, day 2 is the real whopper and I have that off.  I will be about done by the time I go back to work.  That was about 6 weeks from my last one so definitely phasing out.  This year has been a bunch of 6 week cycles.  

I ate my donuts (2) and got ready for work.  There was work drama I did not need but I got it done anyway.  Headed out pretty much on time.  I went to the Taco Bell after work with my gift card.  They were hiring.  Asked me to use the kiosk to order.  Which I did.  I gave the cashier a bag of candy and her boss stole it.  I thought that was rude and sad, and a good indicator not to apply at that Taco Bell ever.  I went home.  

I take 2 buses to get home and both were uneventful.  Riding down busy streets I saw all the food service places were hiring.  The Taco Bell had been interested when I witnessed them mess up my chicken quesadilla, laughed about it, patient about them remaking it, said "I used to manage a deli with my husband".  I was wearing my Walmart uniform "Oh really?"  Nope I am not interested if your boss will steal candy from an employee that's not a place I want to work even if I were looking (did not say that).  If I were truly serious I would probably go with the McDonald's on the local bus route that would be a quick commute every day.  

I laid down for a little bit when I got home and then talked to my parents.  They are doing well, going out to dinner with my stepbrother.  We had a good talk for a while and I went to bed early.  I slept OK and woke up around 2:45 with a bad headache.  I think it is hormonal.  Had a cleanup I wasn't kidding about Day 2.  But I had prepared properly so that was OK.  Just this headache will not quit!  

I took something but I think I will go back to bed.  That's it for now.  

Cats are good, so are my aunt and her family.  

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