Monday, June 27, 2022

Another [censored] party

 So went to work it was fine.  Came home on the bus that took a while but I made it.  

Talked to my parents and went to bed, and #6 started up with the polka music.  It went on until well after 9 PM.  I had to get up at 3.  So that was an issue for me.  I finally said to hell with it and called the police.  They said they would be happy to come out.  I was rational and calm just tired and I explained I had to get up at 3 and really needed my sleep, that they had some sort of speaker system right outside my bedroom wall, etc.  And they did come out.  And he shut up and hopefully will think about it next time.  It is all well and good to party-party on your time off but it may not be someone else's, and after 9 on a Sunday night is too much in my book.  

Now next week all that goes out the window as it is the 4th and everyone will be partying.  But I have the 4th and 5th off (still don't know how I did that) so it won't matter.  Anyway I'm not sorry I did this.  I had to call the police a lot on them when Ron was alive because he would get very agitated during the music.  

And I am up here at 4 am and playing music but it is at volume level 4 and I can barely hear it.  

I did make some tuna salad before I went to bed so that will be good at work later, just tuna and mayo.  I am also taking some of my ground turkey and kidney bean concoction which is also pretty good.  I have $18 left so I should have enough for a Mountain Dew (diet) and a couple of chubs of sausage at work today which will go in my tote bag.  That should hold me on food for a while.  I could also buy more frozen turkey if I want I will have the tote bag, we will see...

Eggs are more problematic to transport and I am not a huge egg fan anyway so not doing that, but some meat and cheese, yes PLEASE.  I also need to eat the kale I bought last week.  

My weight was down a little today, .2 pounds, which is impressive on a couple of counts mainly that I have not gotten adequate sleep for a few days.  I won't go into the other reason you don't want to hear that.  

I need to take my shower... will be back.   All my things to do took a while.  

Hopefully work will be smooth and uneventful today but you never know at a big retail store.  I do like working for Walmart I can definitely say that; I like the job, coworkers, most of my customers.  I like being able to pick up just about anything before work.  And I'll make $60 that buys a lot of my groceries or months of Biscuit's "extra" cat food.  

I don't often go in on a Monday so the ride is a little bit of a mystery to me.  I mean I know when I need to get out there and all I just don't know those drivers.  I did have time (I asked God for help) to bag up some candy so that's ready, and I did decide I need to buy more candy at work today.  I have my lunch packed and a ziploc bag for the frozen turkey.  I bought a nice packet of ham ends yesterday, 2 pounds, that will hold me for a while. I would like to do some up with lentils we will see.  

I found I did not have more of the kidney bean concoction so I will make some more, that was pretty good.  I found my can of chili beans that will make it really good.  

It was funny at work yesterday everyone was saying they had Monday off which doesn't surprise me.  I have every day of the week open on my availability but usually get Tue-Wed off as those are slow days.  And I don't mind working the weekend everyone is with their loved ones I would rather be busy than sitting home feeling sorry for myself.  

That's it for now.  

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