Monday, June 6, 2022

Up early again


So I got up for a few hours and then went back to bed after I fed the cats.  And I discovered they still sleep with me when they're full.  😂

Plan is to get my shower and God Time, then go to Burger King (thanks for the gift cards) and then the grocery store.  I feel especially bright timing it so I actually eat first.  My weight is down to 208 which is an auspicious start for my lower carb.  Last night I got 2 kinds of ground sausage, today I plan to get some more shred cheese.  I have a decent grocery budget of about $50 which is plenty.  I get paid on Wednesday, a fair amount but not all those extra hours, that comes in a little over 2 weeks, and then I have to pay myself back for all the rides so it won't be much more than normal.  But God gives me enough, there is a Bible verse.  

Cut and paste wrecks my formatting so I apologize in advance.  


Remove falsehood and lies far from me;
Give me neither poverty nor riches—
Feed me with the food allotted to me;
Lest I be full and deny You,
And say, “Who is the Lord?”
Or lest I be poor and steal,
And profane the name of my God

That's a good philosophy in my book.  And God does give me "enough".  I can pay the bills and have enough to eat for me and the cats.  

I have been considering saving up and buying some fancy urinary wet food I found that Biscuit actually likes.  But I am going to think on that for a month or two first.  He is completely happy on his dry food.   I would use this as an occasional treat.   

I do plan, for me, to go to the thrift store when my aunt comes and see what they have.  The store is always busy when I pass it on the bus going home which I think is good; they will stay in business.  They have good quality stuff and unbeatable prices.  I just use a Gain fling to wash it and get out any lingering thrift store aroma.  

First though is the blood test.  I feel I need to do that.  I am about due anyway.  Lithium level and then a general wellness panel.  We will all feel better having me cleared on that.  Then eyeglass shop to get mine tuned up and then the thrift stop.  Food in there somewhere too.  It should be a fun day and a little over a week away.  

That's it for now...

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