Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Wednesday night

 I finished most of my dishes and got started on my cooking.  The turkey sausage (the frozen kind in the white package, less than $2 in the frozen meat section of your Walmart) is fantastic.  I am very glad I can get more.  I need to cook one more package of pork sausage and box that up, fridge it, then cook up half the link sausage and fridge that, the other half of the link sausage goes into the lentils which I started.  Then I'm done. That should do my meals for the week.  If not I can always buy more meat at work.  

Not sure how much food I need, today I have not had much but just not very hungry.  Not sure how I will be working.  So we will see.   

I got it all cooked.  Did most of the dishes.  Talked to Mom, Dad was away from home.  I changed the macros on my fitness app.  I am not eating a lot of calories, don't know how that will work when I go to work tomorrow...doing a 40/30/30 this time. 

I plan to go to bed early.  That's it for now.  


Anonymous said...

I'm trying to stay under 100 carbs. On the Atkins site, 100 carbs is for weight maintenance.
I'm going to the deli today for peppered turkey and some cheese.

Heather Knits said...

Go Baby, Go Baby! Go!

They gave me a new vest at work about a month ago. They didn't have any in a 2x so I had to get an XL which is too tight. It is constricting and reminds me with every thing I do that I need to loose weight. That's my work motivation.

My other motivation is the sight of the obese older women at work hobbling around totally crippled by arthritis. I don't want that, I can prevent that if I am smart now. With God's help.

Anonymous said...

I decided I want the weight loss so I'm aiming for 60 - 80 carbs.
When I was on Atkins I was real thin. In fact, I went down to size 10 pants. I'm 5'7 and approx the same size you are. My carbs were too low for too long on Atkins (about 5 years) and my hair was getting thin. Hair is good now but I need to get this weight off.

Anonymous said...

Did you know you can make eggs in the microwave?
I just had almost 0 carb breakfast. 2 eggs, ham and cheese. I also had a handful of cherry tomatoes.
You can also do it in paper bowls!
I learned this when making a Jimmy Dean egg cup.
Maybe try one at Walmart and see what you think?

Heather Knits said...

Yeah I hate frying eggs in a skillet.

For me it's I don't want to end up like the older, obese, women at work who can barely walk. They are so crippled up by their weight. I am still pretty healthy and want to stay that way.