Wednesday, June 22, 2022

That was nerve wracking

I paid my insurance last month but never got the forms for the policy.  Must have been a post office screwup and/or delivered to the wrong house and they threw it away, or, worse, opened it.  Or was that the problem?  Had I just spent $2K for nothing?  I was really anxious.  

I finally got up my nerve and called the company and they were very nice about it.  Yes, I still have my policy.  Yes, they would send it out again.  

I was so worried I would have to fight to prove I had paid it.  Be told "No you are lapsed" or something.  Because I just never got anything and that's a terrible thing to do to a person.  I get a neighbor's junk mail I give it back...who would not give me forms marked "Insurance policy"?  

So that was nerve wracking even though they were very nice as always.  I was a nervous wreck asking "stupid" questions but she was very kind.  

As an astute reader pointed out (re: my bank) I cannot share the name of the company as I have had problems with giving out personal information. 

But I am covered.  I have been worried about that for a few weeks now.  

Now I just need to unwind.  

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