Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Very early Wednesday

 I slept OK but did wake up a few times.  

Before I take my shower I will explain one thing that happened yesterday.  My boss showed me an endcap.  It had labels on it and he diagram we use to place items.  She showed me a pallet of merchandise and told me to stock it.  

I'll use a fruit analogy.  It was "set" for apples but she had given me a pallet of potatoes.  I couldn't get ahold of her to ask about it.  An hour or so later she's shouting my name over by the end cap, why haven't I done anything.  I explain.  

In a "You should have known, stupid" voice she tells me to ignore all the labels and the diagram, to stock the potatoes instead.  How would I know?  It is set for apples.  

So I stocked the potatoes.   But I felt like really?

In psychological terms it is called crazy-making. And that's the kind of thing that makes me hate going in to work.  

Yesterday it was surprisingly busy in spite of the rain, everyone had been paid and wanted to give it to my corporation.  Has the money run out yet?  We will see.  

It is not forecast to rain going in to work at least. But a strong probability of rain going home.  I may use the Uber gift card even though I am cheap and would rather not spend $25 on a ride home. 

I would like to take some of the yarn and try to figure out a pattern for the shawl for Mom.  Maybe I will try to look up patterns on my phone today at work but I would like to get going.  

Mom has never asked for a knit/crochet item from me before and I would like to get her something pretty quick.  

That's it for now.  

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