Saturday, October 14, 2023

Saturday night

 I wanted to do something cleaning wise so I got the kitchen table, which was, I felt, the "worst" area in the house.  I also put my stuff in one of my "new" purses and hung it on the door.  The plan is purse rides in the backpack with my Bible.  Bible and purse come out at church, backpack gets stowed at the desk.  

I also did up my pills; had an exciting moment when it looked like I was out of one of them, but I found the bottle.  I got all the pills off the kitchen table except for my pills of the week organizer and the Vitamin C, and ginger root, which I take as needed.  It looks much, much, better.  

My schedule gets weird so I wrote all that down in a notebook where I can see it easily, then I sent photos of the schedule to Mom and my aunt, I think my aunt.  

I found a tube of Voltaren so I need to find that a home.  If my aunt doesn't want it I have an older co worker who might.  

I did talk briefly to my parents they are very busy with hospice for my grandmother, who felt well enough to visit with them for hours today.  They are all (some other family as well) trying to enjoy what time they had left.  

I am glad I did not know Ron was dying that would have been very hard for both of us.  I am glad it happened the way it did; we got to say goodbye (I don't believe he knew he was about to die), I had closure knowing the last thing I said to him was "I love yoi, bye" 

I got up at 6 AM today and I am TIRED. That headache (why always on my day off?!) wiped me out.  

That's it for now.  


Anonymous said...

Are you still drinking diet soda? I saw a show about aspartame causing headaches, cancer etc.
It's now in almost all gum too.

Anonymous said...

Aspartame affects my brain by giving me nightmares.

Heather Knits said...

No I went off aspartame in mid August. It was pretty brutal had a lovely puking migraine out of it.

Then I started drinking regular soda and gained 20 pounds. Now I am back on seltzer water just bubbles and natural flavor, no sweetener at all.

The tap water at work tastes like mold. I normally have no issue drinking tap water but I cannot gag this stuff down. It's vile. So I have to buy my drinks.

What did it for me, it wasn't the depression link, the headaches, the fact that it spiked my blood sugar then made it drop like a rock - making me starving, the fact that I constantly craved salt all the time I consumed it, it was the cancer risk. Once they started saying it could cause cancer I dropped it.

My maternal grandmother had breast cancer. So did my mother. My Dad had prostate cancer which he has beaten...I have to be careful.

Anonymous said...

I drink sparkling water too. I don't like, nor do I trust our city water. Water shouldn't taste like chemicals.
We are on a well, that's nasty too.