Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Early Wednesday

 I was pretty beat when I got home last night.  I literally just called my Dad, took out the trash, and went to bed.  

I had some old leftovers in the trash so I wanted that out also the can was better than half full as I had forgotten to take it out last week and wasn't willing to wake up neighbors taking the trash can out at 5 am.  I always wash my hands when I touch the can; good thing. Last night the can looked normal today it is covered in disgusting maggots.  The lid is closed the flies apparently laid their eggs on the outside of the lid.  

It was not supposed to rain today but it is.  It's not bad though, I can get to work in this and we can use it. 

I slept pretty well last night which is good.  I like taking the magnesium I feel it gives me a better quality of sleep.  I need to get more.  

The cats are good, they are eating the last of the old food and then I will feed them.  Yesterday I ran into the cat lady in my neighborhood, the one who feeds all the neighborhood cats.  She has very poor English but I told her about Texas Litter Control and she was very interested.  She said she feeds 24 cats I would bet money my 3 are included in that.  She lives a couple blocks down.  

I am glad the cats are chipped that way if they get caught by accident in a TNR push they can just call me and bring them back without doing surgery.  But it's pretty obvious my guys are pets.  

Only one day left and I can do it!  The early mornings are tough but I am doing a LOT of evangelism 6 AM at the transit center.  That is worth it to me and I will get to sleep in until 6 AM tomorrow which is late for me. No more rain for days either.  

Work was OK yesterday we have a new "higher up" she seems OK and I like her.  My boss is scared of her.  And one of my "coaches" (assistant manger) came back from a medical leave he was very surprised when I squealed "You're back!" and waved happily at him.  He grinned from ear to ear; he's a nice guy and I like him as a boss.  He has always been fair with me. 

Hoping boss has today off I am just TIRED.  But I read an interesting devotional it said we are willing to give this and that to God but are we willing to give Him our energy, our time?  Good points. And I am. 

But looking forward to next week when I only work until 2 PM M-W.  I will be home at 4, get to reach new drivers, get a nap before I call Mom and Dad. 

Dad leaves Thursday to join Mom in Florida, they will probably be there a few weeks.  It (Grandma in hospice) has been very hard on Mom.  

When Mom married my Dad she essentially adopted me.  She actually told me when I was about 8 she had tried to adopt me but my birth mother's doctor said it would send her off the cliff to "lose" me so they decided not to do it.  

Now my birth mother maimed me, then neglected me so severely it took me years to catch up on my growth curve.  I still have weird issues about going hungry. She lost custody after all that but had visitation which she never bothered to use. I saw her maybe a dozen times growing up, never on a birthday or any of that. 

Someone sent me flowers in my mother's name on my 10th birthday, to this day I don't believe it was her. So forgive me but I never really felt bad for her motherhood issues at "losing" me to step mom because my adoptive mother was the only one there when I was suicidal etc. 

Anyway she essentially adopted me but her family did not. Her parents, I felt, never liked me much.  They were nice enough (step grandmother) but they didn't love me. And that's OK, I was a weird, damaged, kid.  So I, personally, am not feeling much loss I had a much worse time when my Dad's Mom died.  She was my favorite' grandmother. 

On a side note one of my adoptive aunts sent me a check for $2K after Ron died and then just this year sent me $100 for my birthday which I then promptly spent on candy. She was never really connected up until Ron died.  I appreciate it!  

So I need to take my shower now, I'll be back. 

Checked my email a couple things: yesterday I asked Grace and Truth to send me (certain) tracts and then surprise me with 100 that would be good for an adult in a bag of candy. I am curious to see what they send. 

Second: apparently our neighborhood "night out" was a big push for a bond issue they just did to "protect underground utilities" which sounds expensive and messy. The last time they did something like that was back in 2012.  

Now it's shower time.  

I am having to modify my God Time I was doing a pretty intense Bible study every morning and have had to pare that back: 1.  Not very intelligent this early 2.  Time issues 3.  Energy issues 

But I am getting there. I did feel terrible that the cats seemed to want more attention than I could give them this morning.  I am thinking to sleep in late with the cats on Saturday (feed Friday night before bed) and stick home as much as I can.  Everyone did get some petting and a few treats.  Ron had no regulator due to his head injury I think: lots of alcohol, lots of porn, lots of cat treats.  He wouldn't give just a few treats now and then it was always a big handful.  

That all ended when he died of course I would give a few now and then but not much.  The cats didn't seem surprised when I cut them off. 

But they are happy treats are back in small amounts. I plan to use them to reinforce getting in my lap during Bible Study and also when people come over (not often) have the guest give the cat a few treats if they'd like (my aunt would not!).  

Yesterday I handed out 12 Gospel bags today I have 15.  I felt I could have gotten an additional few drivers if I'd had more last night as I missed a bus to come home and had to wait at the stop for about 20 minutes with the other guys whizzing by.  

That's it for now!  

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