Saturday, October 28, 2023

Finished the candy!

 So today was interesting.  I went to Kroger and they don't have the WowButter any more so I probably won't be going back for a long while.  I think my aunt will try to hunt some down which would be great.  

I went to the other store, got some pinata mix (it is even better now it has both strawberry, or banana, flavored bubble gum).  I took a nap with the cats.  

I have the house down at 74 degrees and I am not used to it this cold but it's only one day, so the candy doesn't melt.  Maybe there's a moral there, keep the house cold enough for chocolate not to melt (76 degrees is the magic number).  Of course I can't afford that but it doesn't matter I like things warmer anyway.  

The cats loved it and all congregated under the good vent in my bedroom, at the foot of my bed.  I took a nap.  

I got up and resolved to do up the Halloween candy.  I also needed to poison some fire ants in the yard so the kids don't get stung.  I had an open enrollment health insurance card that had been mailed as well.  

I got on the health insurance thing.  I've been with the company 2 and a half years it always says I don't qualify.  But today it did, so I signed up for pretty much everything, accident, vision, health, life, etc.  It was only $60 a paycheck not bad, I felt.  

I sent Dad a screenshot he has been very upset about me not having insurance.  I called my aunt and told her, she agreed Dad would be thrilled (he is!).  I got to work on the candy.  

From left to right: zip locks, (cardboard box has Scripture booklets), Snickers, pinata mix, empty tote bags.  Some unrelated tracts behind the blue tote bag.  I set up a chair in front of all this and bagged up 100 for the kids.  

I need to fix this: I had 4 candy bars I didn't pay for, so I need to go back tomorrow and do that.  Should be an interesting conversation.  

So I had enough candy bars for 100 bags for the kids and 3 for my drivers tomorrow.  That will be very popular.  I need 3 bus rides so it works out.  

Dad was thrilled when he got his screen shot of the summary of coverage.  I think I made his whole month. I got the $3K deductible plan.  

Then I put my disposable gloves on, went outside, and poisoned the fire ants.  They are right where the kids will be walking if I get any kids coming back.  

That's it for now, going to try for another nap.  

Oh, one, nine-pound bag of pinata mix is good for about 45 bags of candy.  I was glad I had the extra bag.  


Anonymous said...

Heather - Good on the insurance. I think we all worried a bit that you had no coverage at all. I'm curious that you chose life insurance also tho..was it dirt cheap? Life insurance is to replace your lost income for your family/dependants in case of your death. As you have no dependants, you may consider saving the money on that. Your house is paid off so your estate will have enough for cremation/burial. Just something to think about. Again, glad you now have some protection!

Heather Knits said...

Well I figure my family (Aunt or her family) can use it to pay off final expenses, get a little for their trouble, and make a donation to some agency that hands out Bibles. It was only a couple bucks.

I don't want to be buried (shudder) cremation all the way here.